Juice and Soda

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"I can't be in love... I can't be in love..." Y/n says as his head was buried into his hands, his elbows propping him up while they rested on his desk.

Right now, Y/n was still agitated since Wednesday with his master. Today was Friday, still not over the situation.

The time was currently nine thirty, free period had just started and everyone was pretty much just hanging around before starting another session of learning.




"Huh?! Yeah?!" Y/n snaps away from his thoughts when he heard his master calling for his attention who was in front of his desk.

Raku hands him a couple of yen bills, "Could you buy me, Chitoge, and everyone else's drinks? And get yourself something as well..."

"Okay... Thank you, Master..." Y/n gets up from his seat and observed the classroom to see who was here.

There he finds Raku, Chitoge, and Shu that hung together, and then Ruri and Onadere as they talked to each other from a distance.

He confirms how many drinks were needed and which ones they each desired, he gets ready to go into the hallway and fulfill his master's command.

Not before Y/n had a feeling someone was missing. He checks the classroom and to his suspicions, someone was missing in their little friend circle.

The first person he went to was Raku who sat alone now as Chitoge and Shu decided to go to Ruri and Onadere to chat with them for a bit.


"Yes, Y/n?"

"Where's Tsugumi?"

"Why?~ You miss her?~" Raku smirked playfully as Y/n turns pink instantly.

"That's not it!" He nearly shouts before looking towards Chitoge's way who continued to talk to her friends.

"She's usually by Miss Kirisaki's side during this time... yet she isn't here..."

"Well... she left class a few minutes after free period started... Can't say where she went specifically..."

"I see... That's all I wanted to know..." Y/n said calmly and heads out from the classroom.

...His head starts to swivel for a second.

He thought about his talk with Raku for a bit as he tried to figure out what the deal was with himself.

Out of everyone in the classroom, why was I worried whether the girl with guns in her back pocket went or not?

It didn't make sense to him.

Tsugumi is a girl that could wield any kind of gun, explosives, melees from the back of her pocket and yet Y/n was worried for Tsugumi?

He shakes his head in disbelief.

What kind of bullshit was that?

"What the hell do I want to drink?"

Then cue the girl mentioned earlier.

Y/n finds her, gazing in front of the soda machine from top to bottom with a look of annoyance on her face.

So that's where she went...


Y/n hits himself in the head.

God dammit, you don't have to worry about her! Worry about the less defensive people like Master, Mistress, and their friends!

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now