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I waken up to my cell going off and Yilena's too.
I answer my cell .
Rizzoli . Okay I will be there in an hour.
Yilena you going in too? Yup it seems everyone who is a first resounded is being called in.
What is going on?
Bad accident on 80 due to part of the freeway collapsing. I can go in. Maur no you stay here with the babies. If they need you, I will call you. You and Kennedy stay inside and no driving anywhere. Tell her acting Sheriff said so. Okay, I will .let me make you something which to eat while your in the showers.
I go downstairs and I making them breakfast burritos with some of the left overs and made each of them containers to reheat at work. Kennedy woke up and I tell her . She makes them coffee to go and a thermos too.
They come down to hug and kiss me goodbye and thank us for the beverages and food.
Jane takes her suv as well as Yilena.

Kennedy so no going anywhere. No problem. I will call my boyfriend to tell him to stay home and forget about a day trip to reno.
Kennedy calls and speaks to him. He wasn't thrilled and was adamant about coming over. I finally interrupted her and told her no one is to come over. She mouthed thank you and spoke a little more and hung up.
Kennedy sorry for butting into your conversation. It's okay. I am going to break up with. I didn't like how he was talking to me on the phone. Are you okay? Yes.
Kennedy calls him back and breaks up.
He is pissed and threatens her.
I call Jane right away and she says she will send a desk deputy over to sit out in our driveway and another one inside. I call Yilena and she blows a gasket. I get her to calm down. .The two officers arrive about the time her ex boyfriend does. He refuses to leave the property and swings at one of the officers and is able to get his gun. The other officer shoots and he ends up dying. I couldn't save him. I call it in after the officers do and tell Ken to send someone to take him to the morgue but not ours. This was a clean self defense kill. Kennedy is a basket case and I give her a sedative to help her sleep.
Antonio and Atwater show up.
Maura are you and everyone here safe? We are now. Ken just picked up his body and left. We heard from Yilena and we were the closest. I am glad the officers were here at least so you didn't have to use your weapon How's Kennedy? Shaken up but is asleep after I gave her a strong sedative. Maura we ran his name. He was bad news. I am glad Kennedy wasn't with him. He was never convicted but had cases that didn't have enough evidence He supposedly killed four girls so fat each time I'm a day trip to reno. It seems Kennedy would of been next. We don't want her knowing that. She will come unhinged. No problem it's off the books and we couldn't legally tell her or we get into trouble. You we can't. Thank goodness indeed. Since you two are here and the team too why don't you join them for lunch. Okay. No alcohol though. Of course not. I told Jane already I was feeding the people here before they head back. I even sent Ken with food. Yesterday's party was indeed fun. We have a few more minutes before we have to get back. I am going to make me and Atwater burritos to go and get some juices and water. Go for it Antonio. Be safe we will. .Antonio did what he said and he and Atwater left.
Dr. Isles thank you for lunch. We were sure if we were going to have time. Thank you for your statement and the dvd that proves my innocence. I am still 3 days off with pay but at least I know I am cleared with your statement and Kennedy's with the DVD the technicians took with them. I will make sure this food gets back to your team that is working. Thank you. We will remove the police tape too. We cleaned the driveway so no blood or other items are there. Thank you. You guys be safe out there. We will try our best Dr. ISLES .
They left and I went to check on Kennedy and the babies. I decided to take a nap before they woke up.
I didn't wake up until 3:39 when Leo woke up fussy because he still is teething. Yilena was finally home and had our twins in her bed with her.
Aye sweetie, sorry I didn't get Leo in time. It'd okay. Your home early. Yeah they started sending us home so we wouldn't have top much overtime and the mess is cleaned up in what we can do. Highway patrol is there. Cal Trans and the engineers are there. Jane maybe coming home soon too..
Well leftovers for dinner. Yeah the guys told me you hooked them up along with the sheriff department staff. Yes. We still have alot more. If we were able to leave, I would take some to the churches for the homeless. Oh I can do that. You sure? Yes. Let's pack up my suv after we put some aside for our dinner and I will drop it off.
We did and Yilena was off. Kennedy woke up. Ms. Maura I had a dream that Antonio was talking to you about him and I was going to be his next reno kill victim. It was a nasty dream. I bet.
Dang the sedative wasn't strong enough. She heard Antonio's conversation with me. Thank goodness she thinks it's a dream or nightmare instead of what could of been a reality .
Yilena and Jane returned when Kennedy and I was warming up dinner and she told them her dream. I could tell they both knew it was true but played it off well.
Jay called me to thank me. Hailey ie finally home. He is thinking another week and he should be back from work.. He told me he has been hearing nothing but good reviews so far on my temporary job. Jane that is awesome. Sweetie your killing it. .Maybe you could be his assistant. No thank you. I like working out in the field instead maybe when I get older. What you not old now? Yilena you weren't calling me old the other night.
Yilena turned red and didn't respond. Maur and I just laughed.

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