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Jane woke up before the two of us.
Jane you okay? Yeah,  I was thinking after my upcoming appointment, we shall tell the kids well the boys that is than everyone else I am pregnant and not wait longer.  Seeing the kids having fun and one of the kids needing stitches and the recent death of our coworkers child being killed. Everyone should get to enjoy my pregnancy along with us. We never know anything can happen.  True sweetie but our little one will have so much love from us but so many others too. I don't know about you but me is starving and it'd ten thirty. Yeah we sorta slept in late. We hear Leo banging or I meant playing on the drums in his bedroom. Yilena took a shower first and tended to the noise or playing as our son saw it. Casey was already working on sound proofing the bedrooms.  He had just finished James per Kennedy who brought me some saltine crackers.  My morning sickness had begun early this time.  Maur just held me close as much as she could without breaking her stitches on her pelvic area.
Jane finally got up and went to the kids rooms to see each kid playing their instrument in their bedroom.  Jane opened each door.
The last door I opened up was Leo.
Hi mama what do you think? Very loud Leo. No mama how does it sound. Loud  mama never mind.

More practice needed. I didn't want to tell my son he sucked. I smiled and closed his door.
About time sweetie.  We were getting worried. Sorry. Did everyone leave already? Yes about an hour ago. You missed lunch. I barely was able to hold the soup Kennedy brought me. I hope people didn't think I was being rude.No Maura just told them you had top much dessert. Oh boy well you didn't lie at least. By the way,  Casey did a superb job. Yes  he did  we don't hear them anymore . We just have to watch the TV monitor to see that they are okay. Jane I couldn't believe you told our nephew Loud.  Maur I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  Is there lunch still available? Yes but dinner will be ready in a few minutes. What did you make Yilena? Teriyaki bowl with carrots. Broccoli, cabbage, white rice with chicken. Sounds yummy.
Mama me will play for you later.  Leo how about another day. I heard alot already.  Please go get your brother and sister for dinner.  .You guys have you heard James and Kathryn play? No, why. Those two sound like they have been playing for years   You all need to turn the monitor on the next time they are playing. I didn't interrupt them.  We need to get Leo some lessons. Better yet Tommy will find someone and pay for him to have lessons. I like that idea.
Jane gets on her cell and calls Drew.

Drew since Tommy thinks it's funny getting all the kids music instruments as a pay back when we were little. I think it'd only fair he pays for him to have weekly lessons from one of the college students.  Preferably one we can help who is homeless.  I like your thinking.  Avery was just talking about a young gal or a guy that would be perfect.  THE GUY I DONT NEED HIM GETTING LESSONS CONFUSED WITH HORMONES.
Drew laughs but agrees. Drew will get the contact information from baby girl and will get back to me.
Leo the family is going to find youa music person to teach you how to play the drums here.  You will have to practice alot. Okay mama.

Daddy mama when can I start my learning from the doctors? Your nani is working out the details.  Okay who will take me? Nani, myself or Kennedy.  It all depends on the time and day. Okay.
I know Kennedy is still struggling with kathryn on her drugging her with my sleeping pills from my home office. Kathryn gets up and leaves the room. Yilena follows her outside on the deck.

Kennedy come in its cold.  Take this and wrap yourself in it.
Kennedy takes the blanket from me.
Yilena you know I appreciate all you have done for me since starting here.  I just cannot do it anymore.  I don't trust Kennedy and I am afraid I am going to harm her and I don't like that feeling in Mr. Oh sweetie come here. We will work something out. We don't want you to move out. If we have to, we will find another nanny.  Your family and belong here. We will make sure for awhile your not alone with her. She broke your trust in a hard way. She really did Yilena.  I still love her but cannot be alone with her. I don't know if you noticed,  if she comes in a room and I am there alone, I leave. Jane did notice that last night but we just thought you were tired and went to bed. No. I STAYED UP FOR A LONG TIME TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY TO TELL YOU ALL OF ONE OF YOU BEFORE I START NEXT WEEK AGAIN AND YOU ALL ARE BACK TO WORK. I EVEN LOCK MY BEDROOM DOOR AT NIGHT ANS KEEP MY KEYS ON ME AT ALL TIMES.  I DONT LEAVE THEM IN THE KITCHEN LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES. I DID NOTICE THAT.
Let's go inside.  I will tell everyone.  Okay.
Yilena hugs me and takes my hand and we go back inside.
I close and lock the French door.
Everyone kids too please seat in the family room so we can talk. 
Everyone comes and seats.
Okay as of now Kennedy will no longer be the kids nanny but will still live here. She has realized law school requires more study time and not all her classes are available at night.  Maura we need to find a nanny live in like Pronto.  Okay,  I will put an ad in the paper and ask Drew to put up fliers at the college. I am truly sorry.  It's okay sweetie. Thank  you Maura and Jane.  Kennedy please come with me and Jane  to my office so we can get this done. Bring some wine, juice too please with glasses.  Okay.
Kennedy gets up to get the wine , juice, glasses and comes with me to my home office with Jane.  Yilena is putting the kids to bed.  Kennedy received a text.
Maur locked the door. 
Kennedy sweetie you feel uncomfortable around Kennedy and don't trust her anymore? Yes Maura I stayed up late stressing how I was going to tell you gals after all you have done for me that I was going to move out and look for another job. I spoke with Avery.  She said I could help her with the Rizzoli foundation since Jane can no longer do it.  I will get a pay raise too and only work 20 hours a week instead of 40 which will give me more time to study. I just didn't tell Yilena that portion.  I still love her but I keep my keys with me at all times and leave if I am alone in the room with her. I am afraid I will hurt her. Avery said for me to see Kim again and I scheduled to see her again.  I just received a text back right now confirming my appointment next week. During the day, besides working for Avery, I will study, go to therapy and take one day class. 
Jane and Maura hugged me and I finally cried.

Sweetie we will work this out for you. In the meantime Maur my mother can babysit the kids at her place until we hire a nanny. No one else besides Avery and us and Kimberly need to know.  Especially not my mother.  Agreed. I will call my mother now.  Thanks Jane for understanding.  Kennedy we are family.  Thank you. 
Jane left with her wine glass that had juice in it. Maura and I worked on the as and flier. We finished it and Maura contacts Drew and forwarded the flier to her email.
Sweetie done. Let's go to bed so we all can relax.  Maura thank you for understanding.  Sweetie I knew something was off but wasn't going to say something until you were ready. Like Jane said. your family and no way you would move out.  We will be down another  bedroom but that is okay. We need to get Jane to start decorating one of the nurseries for the her new baby. Maura I  will give up my bedroom with the bathroom. Don't be silly. The new nanny will just have to use the. hallway bathroom which is just as nice.   I  am glad we added the other bedrooms and they will be done this weekend with the furniture.  It cut the back yard but we knew the family was growing and we needed space   Carlo did a good job too so it doesn't look much different from the exterior. You can't tell from the back. Adding the bedrooms for a basement was perfect . YES. I WAS WONDERING HOW HE WAS GOING TO ADD THR ADDITIONAL ROOMS.
Maura hugged me and we went upstairs after she locked her office and set the alarm for it.  I secured the house and turned the alarm on.

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