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I go home beat from work and Maur stays over after we went for our run. We took showers and eating dinner that Maur cooked for us.
Jane what do you think Angela has planned for you? I have no idea but  probably dates with women now. Jane that won't be bad,  since you do like women. I know but how can I be serious knowing my mother set it up?Her heart is in the right place.She just wants you to be happy.  I don't see it that way. She wants to control my life since my father is deceased she had no one to concentrate on now.  Jane your  brothers got smart and made she knew they were dating. Yes, I know.  Maur I know. I don't want to talk about this anymore. You conformable for the night? Yes.I don't understand how you can sleep in the nude Maur. Jane we go over this all the time. It's healthier. My skin takes in all the toxins from everywhere even from my clothes  This way my body can breathe healthy air. Maur that is ludicrous. Good night Jane.  Good night Maur.
Jane cuddles me. as usual and we nod off.

The following morning,  Maur and I are up early getting ready for work.
Maur you ready yet?Almost. I don't get you. YOU WAKE UP BEFORE ME AND BEGIN GETTING READY AND YOU STILL AREN'T. Oh Jane,I don't like to rush and throw on my makeup and clothes like you do. Ouch.  Sorry but it's the truth. Maur I am leaving. Lock up. I am ready now.
We both leave. Maur takes her bag of dirty clothes etcetera with her and tossed it in her trunk of her black Mercedes.  I take my extra clothes with me and toss them in the back seat just to get Maur going on clean clothes need to be hung up.
Jane use the hook in your suv that is what its there for.
Jane laughs and gets in her vehicle and leaves and I get in mine and follow her to work. We arrive early and I go downstairs to smell the flowers and add more water.  Jane brings me a cup of coffee and the rest of our team is arriving to discuss the recent double homicide found in the  Marriott hotel elevator. Dr. Pike joins us even though many of r& deputies cannot stand him.
We go over all the evidence and come to the conclusion that these people were having an affair and sex in the elevator but someone has been poisoning them for awhile. These people are not married to one another but are married. The spouses of this couple will be in today before noon demanding answers .
Frost I want you to go with Upton to see if you can locate where they got the poison from. Sheriff Halstead what makes you think we will find the answer before noon? WE HAVE TO OR MY HEAD WILL BE ON A PLATTER AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. RIZZOLI I WANT YOU AND KORSAK TO PARTNER UP WITH THE PD. DETECTIVE  SALAS AND DETECTIVE RAYMUND ARE EXPECTING YOU. KORSAK AND FRANKIE I WANT YOU ALL TO PUT FEELERS OUT WITH YOUR CI's now get out of here and come back with results.
Pike I need you to go to Placerville and help them with autopsies.  We have been asked to help them out. You will be reporting to them until further notice  Dr  Isles I would rather stay here and work on this case.  Pike I am chief for a reason. Either you go or look for employment elsewhere.
Pile leaves not happy.
Dr.Isles that was brutal to see   Yes but I am the chief not the other way around.

It's getting close to twelve  noon and this couple will be here soon breathing down my neck and they are friends with the mayor which makes my job harder. Korsak and the others are trickling in little by little.
Well did you find anything anyone?
Well our CI'S gave is a photo that is interesting   We will show you the first one and put the others on the board for all to see.

Well did you find anything anyone? Well our CI'S gave is a photo that is interesting   We will show you the first one and put the others on the board for all to see

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It seems sheriff that the spouses are not all that innocent.  They went to a recent wedding together as was seen in the hotel going upstairs to the same suite. They were seen in the suite shall we say getting it on as you can see in this photo. What the hell. Well there is no way he can tell is nor she that they have been screwing each other for awhile. We found out the poison was sold to the man's brother who works at a nursery in another state. He just decided to take a bottle of it. The brother didn't report it missing as he should of. We have three people guilty. Yes, the authorities in Montana are looking to arrest him now as we speak. You all did good work. Thank you in just in time. Here comes the mayor now with the spouses.
Sheriff Halstead have you found the killers yet? Yes, my team here have come across some interesting photos and evidence. Well what is it? MAYOR YOUR TWO FRIENDS HERE AEE BEHIND THEIR DEATHS. HERE IS THE PHOTOS TO PROVE IT ALONG WITH AN INVOICE WHERE THEY OBTAINED THE POISON FROM. I see.
The spouses admitted  to the poisoning but blamed the other.
Detectives Upton and Korsak please do the honors.   Yes sheriff. Yes sheriff Halstead.
The couple was read their rights and arrested.
The rest of the day was completing the necessary documents to close the case.
Maur you ready for dinner? Yes, my date will meet us at your cousins restaurant. Maur wow you look gorgeous.  Thank you. Jane you do too  I see you went and hung them up after all. Yes of course I didn't want to embarrass either of us.
We left to my cousins restaurant. Maur 's date was a interesting man who is a professor at the University of the Pacific's law school.
I see my mother approaching us.
Good evening baby girl, Dr. Isles and? Sorry Angela this is my friend Andrew.  Nice to meet you. Baby girl your table in the corner as you requested.
We walk to the table and Detective Yilena Salas is sitting there.
Jane this is.  MA I know who Yilena is. Yilena I am so sorry that my mother roped you into this. Jane I am not at all.
Yilena pulls out my chair for me. My mother smiles and leaves us.
The evening goes well. We decided to go to a little dance club at the Trump towers to dance.
Yilena is a fantastic dancer.
Yilena I am enjoying myself immensely but dating another law enforcement officer isn't for me. I understand but let's enjoy the rest of the evening at least.
We agreed and did enjoy ourselves.
Maur left with her date and Yilena followed me to my townhouse to make sure I got home safe.
Yilena would you like to come in for a nightcap? Yes.
Yilena and I drank a little too much and the next morning I woke up sore from having multiple orgasms from Yilena. I didn't know she was intersexual. Yilena left my place around five ish and we both agreed even though the sex was terrific and we enjoyed each other's company it wasn't meant to be unless we wanted a booty call.
My mother is banging on my door at 8:39 in the morning.
So Baby girl how did it go? MA we are just going to be friends. What all that work and just friends. Yes MA just friends. Well I can tell you had fun at least. SHE LEFT YOU A NICE HICKEY ON YOUR NECK.  GOOD BYE MA.
I pushed my mother   out of my townhouse and ran to the bathroom.
Shit she does know how to use her cock and everything else but a fucking hickey. I am not a teen anymore.

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