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We all go to Maura's appointment to see how far along she is.  I cannot believe that I impregnated them  week apart.  I am thrilled to have little Yilena's on earth but Maura doesn't look too happy. We leave the Doctors office who happens to be her mother.  When her mother asked her who the father was she was honest and Jane admitted she was pregnant by me too.I  thought her mother, Dr. Martin would of got mad that I impregnated them both but it was the opposite.  She told me she had a feeling this would happen but not with a lady who was intersexual.  They have liked men in the past and hooked up separate with the same man before but not knowing.She knew Jane was just playing the heterosexual role to satisfy Angela.  She was glad when Jane finally came out to her mother.
We go have lunch since it's a Friday which we all took off for the three day weekend. 
Jane drove us to her cabin which I  loved.
Maura you been silent since we left your mother's office. ARE YOU NOT HAPPY ABOUT HAVING MY CHILD.  OH YILENA I AM HAPPY BUT WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL THE OTHERS.  EVERYONE KNOWS JANE IS THE MOTHER TO BE OF YOURS.  ME I STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY ADOPTIVE PARENTS AND CONTSTANCE IS SO OPINIONATED. SHE IS ALWAYS worried about what people think of her and the family. She is totally the opposite of my bio mother and sister. My bio father is another story.

Jane looks at me.
Maur when he finds out,  we will deal with it as always together.  Jane you know how he gets. I don't want him to hurt or kill Yilena.  Kill me why? Yilena my biological father is Patrick aka Paddy O'Doyle. Thee paddy, the Irish mobster? Yes. I will just have to be careful.  Yes you should be.  I just heard Maura. Paddy don't please. Yilena please put your gun away.  Paddy don't you do any harm to the father of my baby. But a woman Maura.  I thought you would be better than sleeping with a woman. Paddy you don't have a say who I do or don't have intercourse with. Maura I still am your father. Paddy in sperm only. Oh Maura that is not fair. I have told you I did what I did for your good.  I don't want to keep rehashing this over again with you. Paddy do you love me? Yes you know I do. Well than respect my wishes and don't do anything nor have anyone else do anything to Yilena nor my child or children.  What I maybe a papi to twins? Paddy I don't know as Katelyn and I our twins. The likely hood is very high.  I won't know until later. Paddy promise me.
Detective Salas I will respect my daughter's wishes but if you hurt her or my grandchild or grandchildren all bets our off. Doyle I am not scared of you and I will protect the ones I love which includes Maura and our unborn child. Jane you got knocked up too by her. Paddy my pregnancy is my business not yours. Jane when you became my daughter's friend, you are my business.  I have made sure you were not taken out several times who wanted you dead. You should be more appreciative of me. What do you mean Paddy?
My father tell us what he has done to protect Jane and her family be knowest to us. Paddy thank you, but I never asked you. No you didn't, but MAURA my baby would of been heart broken 💔 and that won't happen on my watch again.  Paddy please stop harming the people I date. I am tired of seeing them on my table.
My father kisses my forehead. Yilena is talking and Paddy leaves when we turn our backs.
Dang does he do that alot Maura vanish? Yes, he is quite good at that. He will show up at the hospital or whenever our child or children is born at. I guess I will have to get use to that.  Yilena I still am not even after all these years.  He does care for Maura , Katelyn and Esmi and will do whatever to make them safe and happy.  Maura so you have a twin? Yes. She lives in Los Angeles and is a doctor too. So you all Martin women are doctors? Yes and top in our fields too. My  mother of course has more experience because of the military where she got her training.  Oh I see.  I served too and was  pow. Oh my Yilena.  It's been a long time ago.I will have flashbacks at times but they don't last long and I am told I am not violent.  You two don't have to worry about that.
Maur and Yilena took off to the grocery store while I got our bedroom ready and unpacked out clothes.  I was pooped and fell asleep before Maur and Yilena came back in my suv.

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