Chapter 2

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Sitting in front of the warm fire with Hermione held tight Harry worked out what he wanted to say. He took a deep breath "Right now I don't want any interruptions while I tell you. If you have to say something, which I am certain you will, then I ask you now to wait till I am finished," Harry took another deep breath then looked nervously at Hermione who nodded her head in agreement. Telling Hermione about the plot to portkey him straight to Voldemort waiting in a graveyard, left Harry with the problem of telling and yet not revealing his previous life, he knew it would make him sound crazy, so he changed the story to be the story of a vision.

Harry pulled her close and began "First I think I now know how to destroy Voldemort for good, I have a plan that will help us to capture both him and wormtail. I think we will need to go and see Dumbledore with it. I had this dream, no it was a vision. Professor Moody is not the real Madeye. He is trying to get me to win the triwizard because he has a port key ready to send me too Voldemort. I just wanted to see if you think I might be crazy or should I really tell Dumbledore."

Hermione studied him for a while before she asked "Is this something to do with your scar?"

'The perfect opening' he thought as he quickly answered "Yes."

"Well then we should tell the headmaster as soon as we can." She said decidedly

Then she took a breath before speaking again "Harry? You said something about soul-mates, what exactly is a soul-mate and what makes you think that's what we are?"

"Well I heard that some people who fall in love the first time they meet are soul-mates, like a marriage made in heaven as the Muggles say, and well I, you know."

"How do I find out, and what does being a soul-mate mean?" she wondered aloud.

Before Harry could answer a small book appeared on the sofa between them, its pages were opened. She picked it up and read the open page then she slowly closed the book and put it down beside her.

"We have to go see the headmaster Harry." She whispered.

"Ah Mr Potter, Miss Granger, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit," Asked headmaster Dumbledore as the two teenagers entered his office.

Hermione spoke first "Sir is there anyway to find out if a couple are soul-mates, and is it true that they become married when they kiss?"

Harry was still a little worried, would Hermione think he had tricked her into marriage, would she see their first kiss as a disaster. Albus answered her question with a slight look of worry "There is a simple method yes; there is a book at the ministry that registers soul-mate unions, along with the date of their marriage. Might I ask why you would need such information?"

"Sir," Asked Harry "Do you think a check could be made for us, and how long would it take?"

"I can do that for you right now," The headmaster said as he walked to his fireplace.

Five minutes later and Hermione had it confirmed that she was indeed Mrs. Harry James Potter, and had been since breakfast. Both Dumbledore and Hermione sat back in shock as the ministry wizard's head appeared in the fireplace and confirmed the entry in the book. Although Harry was inwardly rejoicing he tried hard to keep a shocked look on his face.

"How did you know Harry?" Albus questioned

"I'm not sure sir, I just kept thinking of Hermione as the one who would be my wife," He answered congratulating himself on his quick thinking.

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