Chapter 21

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Sirius woke to find a note from Harry asking if he would look after his new pup, he was of course more than happy to play with Canis, who appeared to be rather intelligent. After a day spent down by the river with his old friends, he was feeling better than he had in a while. Remus had not transformed at the last full moon and seemed to be completely cured; he had even mentioned that his sense of smell had dwindled so that he could no longer catch the scent of people as he once had.

Now he was taking the pup for another walk, he was lost deep in thought about his godson. As the sun set Sirius walked slowly back into the house the pup at his heels, he was still deep in thought when he bumped in to Ginny, and knocked her forward nearly bowling her over.

"Oops, sorry Ginny I was just thinking about Harry and Hermione," he said as he grabbed her waist to stop her falling.

"Why has something happened to them?" she asked quickly.

"No, no I was just thinking, through out this holiday, I don't think they have had one single day without someone here visiting. I was just wondering how I would feel if I were a young married guy," he said smiling.

"I'm not sure I… Oh that, I think you might be right, they never get any privacy do they," Ginny began to think the same thing Sirius was thinking.

After a quick conversation they decided the Potter's needed some space, so they rounded all the guests up into the kitchen.

"Sirius has something to say," Ginny told them with a grin on her face.

"Yes well thanks for the support Ginny," he commented a little sarcastically.

"You're quite welcome, Sirius," she giggled.

"Right, thing is Ginny and I have had a talk and we thought it was about time we gave the young Potter's time together, some privacy and peace, so all of you pack your stuff and head off to the Burrow." Sirius said with a small laugh caused by the looks he was getting. Half an hour later and the house was quiet, all their guests had gone.

Arriving home Hermione found the note left by Ginny, inviting them to the Burrow, but this was what she had wanted, what she had been trying to figure out all the way home, now she did not have to get rid of them, they were gone of their own accord, it was just Her, Harry, and the Elves, and she knew they would only appear if called for. Harry made them a few sandwiches for supper, as Hermione relaxed on the couch in front of the fire.

"Harry, have you ever given having a family any thought?" she suddenly asked.

Harry wondered if she was just trying to find out if the idea scared him. "I have actually."

"I was thinking about it today, how many children do you want me to give you?" Hermione asked still sounding serious.

Harry realised she was not testing his reactions or trying to find out if the idea frightened him. She wanted a serious talk on the subject, 'typical Hermione' he thought 'work out all the pros and cons then make a decision'.

"I don't really know, I mean I always wanted a family, but how many, I never thought that far," He answered truthfully.

"When do you want to start?" she looked at him smiling.

"I have no idea, I thought we would wait till you are ready, and I thought you might want a career or something," Harry replied, he had never thought she would want to be a stop at home mum.

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