Chapter 13

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'Oh Harry I feel like a little girl again, he's so handsome, does he have a name?' Hermione thought as she stood with the horse nuzzling her.

'No, no name yet just a number' he replied feeling very happy with his world.

'Well his name is obvious, don't you think, 'beauty' my very own black beauty' she thought before turning to Ginny.

"What do you think of beauty for his name?" she asked Ginny.

"Sounds perfect to me," Ginny answered as she watched her friend nuzzle the horse back.

"Right Gin, your turn to pick one, anyone but the palomino," Harry said as he put his arm over Ginny's shoulder and turned her toward the other horses.

"What I get to name one?" Ginny asked surprised.

"Well you'll want a name for your horse won't you?" Harry said smiling at her.

"You mean I get to have one?" she said hugging Harry in a real Weasley hug.

"Gin, Gin, breath, got none left," Harry wheezed as she hugged him tight.

Ron and Hermione burst out laughing, "You best let him go Gin, after all his wife is just here and she would prefer a breathing husband," Ron chuckled.

Ginny chose the only chestnut, "She's got the same colour hair as Bill," she said as she stroked her new friend. "Hello blaze, how do you like your name?"

"Ok Ron your turn," Harry grinned at his friend as his face paled.

"I was never much good with animals," Ron complained as the others watched him looking at the three remaining horses.

One of the horses a piebald seemed to take a liking to him as it nuzzled him then rested its head over his shoulder, "looks like this one picked me," he exclaimed as the horse licked his ear.

Hagrid smiled at the young people then went over and started to talk to the two remaining horses "I recon you two will be Mr and Mrs Grangers, thems Hermione's mum n dad."

"Hagrid do you know where we might find a groom, someone who is good and kind to animals?" Harry asked as the big man made a fuss of the horses.

"Well I do matter o fact, there's a young wizard fellow, name o Joseph Diggle, he's workin in a shop in Diagon Alley, always wanted to work with horses, just not many wizards as has em, I kin ask im if yer want," Hagrid replied with his customary smile somewhere behind his beard.

"Well if he's interested there's accommodation above the stables, it'll want cleaning but I'm sure the house elves will be willing to help out if Hermione asks them, when will you see him do you think?" Harry said hopefully.

"Well I gotta go to Diagon to get some more things fer Hogwarts, I'll pop over in the morning," the half giant said enthusiastically.

"Ron what name did you give to yours?" Ginny asked as Hagrid turned back to talking to the two horses.

"All I could think of was patch," Ron answered; his horse shook its head as if in dismay.

"Well if you can do better," Ron said to the horse

"How about Swift?" Hermione asked,

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