Chapter 10

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"Only two days left and then back to Hogwarts eh," grumbled Ron as he followed Harry and Hermione into the living room.

"You sound as though you're not happy to be going back," Hermione prompted him.

"Well with you and Harry living in your own quarters now, I don't really have anyone to talk to," Ron grumbled.

Without thinking Hermione commented "But you must have had someone to talk to when you deserted Harry last year."

Ron's face went slightly paler as he bit his tongue, he had just been about to yell at her but had remembered the discussion they had in the kitchen, he could hear Harry's voice 'he went through six racks and a partition and that was before she stunned him', the words made him shudder a little, then he had a vision of Malfoy hurtling backward through the great hall, an angry Hermione glaring at him, the thought brightened him up again.

"Well not really, everyone thought I was being a prat," he told them honestly.

"They got that right," George said as the other twin followed him in to the room.

Ginny joined them just after, Harry handed the butterbeer's all round.

George and Fred took the tops off their bottles then together they stood up and raised the bottles.

"To Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, due to open," Fred

"In two weeks time," George

"With a grand fireworks display," Fred

"Both in Diagon Alley," George

"And Hogwarts," Fred

The twins informed them "We will not be going back with you when you go, we have already Owled Dumbledore to let him know, tomorrow we head for London, fame and fortune," they said in unison.

"Does mum know?" Ron asked in between sips.

"Don't be thick Ron, you think we're crazy, mum'll know after we leave,"

"Good thing for you two, but it's gonna cause us all some headaches, mum's bound to blame one or all of us for not stopping you," Ginny moaned. Not looking forward to the prospect of an angry mother.

"Come on Gin, bet you a Knut they are rolling in money within the year," Harry laughed "I mean who can resist things like puking pastilles or canary creams."

"But what about your NEWT's, you'll never get a job with out them," Hermione commented.

"Hermione dear, when we are rich and we work for ourselves, I can not see what use it would be to have them," George said as Fred rolled his eyes.

A loud banging and knocking noise drew their attention to the window that always remained open for Owl deliveries, several charms around the window prevented rain, snow, and wind, entering the room, but did nothing to suppress the sounds from outside.

"Who's doing all the banging?" Ginny asked the room at large.

"Oh that's dad and Mr Granger; they've been out there ages messing around. No idea what they are doing but dad said something about a Muggle contraption," Ron told them as the knocking continued.

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