Chapter 11

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Dudley Dursley grumbled once again about being hungry, "it's nearly two hours since we left Aunt Marge's and I want something to eat."

"Dudley sweetheart we will be home in five minutes, and mummy will cook you a nice big meal, how does that sound," Petunia simpered.

"I could do with something to eat myself," Vernon agreed as they turned into Privet Drive. Petunia almost bumped her head on the windscreen as Vernon slammed on the brakes.

"Oh my lord," Vernon said as he stepped out of the car his piggy eyes as wide open as they could be.

"Vernon! Our beautiful house, what happened?" Petunia gasped as they both stood staring at the remains of Number four.

Dudley lumbered from the back seat and peered around his fathers rather large rear "Shte, there goes lunch."

"Ah, Mr Dursley? Mr Vernon Dursley?" asked a young lady who was dressed in a business suit.

"Yes, yes, yes, what happened here?" Vernon demanded sweeping his hand to take in the pile of rubble that now stood where number four had stood when they left the day before.

"My name is Poppins, Miss Mary Poppins, I'm afraid there was a slight mix up in addresses you see, and our demolition team seemed to have slightly damaged your house," the young woman said in an apologetic voice.

"SLIGHTLY DAMAGED," roared Vernon "There's nothing but a pile of Rubble left you imbecile."

"I'm sorry but there really is no call for that attitude Mr Dursley, I have apologised for the damage, my employer has authorised me to place you at a private Mansion all expenses paid for two weeks, while repairs are carried out, now I have some photo's of the Mansion with me, the young lady in the photo's is the wife of the billionaire that owns the property, now if you would care to check out the photo's I feel sure you will accept the offer, I can assure you when you return you will not be able to tell anything ever happened to your House," Miss Poppins said while holding out a handful of photo's.

Petunia busied herself looking through the photo's, while Vernon stood his jaw working but no sound leaving him but the occasional strangled sort of noise.

"It does look rather a nice place Vernon dear, and as Miss Poppins said two weeks all expenses paid, it does sound rather inviting." Petunia urged.

"There will be a limousine here shortly to take to the Manor, Ah here it comes now," Miss Poppins said pointing at a stretch limo that was pulling up behind the Dursley car.

"Now if you would like to park your car in the drive,"

Vernon Dursley did as he was told looking like a fat zombie, Dudley carried the overnight bags they had taken to Aunt Marge's house, and climbed into the limo.

"Hey dad, come on, they have a fridge in here," Dudley yelled as he pulled open a small fridge.

Vernon Dursley took a last look at the pile of ruins that had been his home, and then resignedly he climbed into the limo, followed by Petunia. The Limousine took off as soon as they had taken their seats, three hours later the car halted outside a huge pair of wrought iron gates, the driver got out and said to what Vernon thought might be an inter com, "Your guest's madam."

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