Chapter 7

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Harry's plot was working well, after checking that no one was watching him he entered the jewellery shop hidden down a small side alley. Having had a look around the small shop, Harry enlisted the help of a young female assistant, he gave all the details about Hermione that he could, including how different and passionate she was in private. Which gave the assistant a smile as Harry turned bright red. Along with everything else he showed her two photos.

Within a few minutes Harry was looking through a selection of the chosen jewellery, it took him nearly half an hour to decide on the pieces he wanted, the assistant assured him that if his description of Hermione's personality was correct then his choice would be perfect, he prayed the assistant was right, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint his wife on her birthday. Now all he had to do was keep the small package hidden from Hermione, easier said than done simply because she had taken to being a wife with every bit of determination she always did with every thing she did. She kept their quarters spotless and made sure he had clean clothes everyday. So wrapping it up in an old sock, his favourite option was out.

Hermione had spent an enjoyable morning shopping with her mother and Ginny, she had never before had the responsibility that comes with shopping as a married woman, her first purchases were all for Harry, new trousers shirts and shoes, along with several smaller items. Dresses and new under wear were bought for her self and Ginny, although it took her a while to get Ginny to accept the gifts.

That afternoon while Ron, the twins and Ginny went swimming in the Weasley pool, Hermione caught hold of Harry's hand and led him to the spot in the wood that had been shown to them by Ginny. Having found a nice comfortable spot under an old oak tree, Harry sat down his back resting on the rough trunk, Hermione sat on his lap and wriggled a little to get comfortable. Harry begged her not to wriggle again. 'You have no idea what that does to me' he groaned.

Hermione just giggled 'I have a very good idea Mr Potter'.

Visits to what was now their favourite spot were one of Harry's favourite pastimes, they spent entire afternoons alternating between kissing, and just sitting enjoying each others company and talking. Harry told her more and more about himself and life with his relations while Hermione told him about her life before Hogwarts. It was these times that helped Harry to make up his mind that their next holiday would be spent at the Potter ancestral home, a rather modest mansion in the Snowdonia district.

Ginny's progress with her wandless magic was slow, Hermione thought it might have a lot to do with age, "Our magic must get stronger as we grow older, just like any other part of us," She decided one day. "Ginny maybe you should stick to the simple stuff until you feel you can move on."

At eight am on Monday August the fourteenth, Hermione was fussing with the tie she had made him wear, "I'm not having my husband going into a ministry inquiry looking like a tramp," she huffed as Harry tried to stop her from choking him.

"Hermione love I've done this before, I'm sure they won't notice if my tie isn't perfectly straight," Harry said a little exasperated with her fussing.

"Harry Potter, that is not the attitude to take, good first impressions can make a big difference as to how people see you," Hermione said determined. Making Harry stand up straight she looked him over and sighed 'You are so handsome Harry'.

Harry and Mr Weasley left the Burrow at Eight thirty to meet with Sirius outside the Ministry offices. By nine they were led into a rather large room, "Conference room," Mr Weasley informed them as Harry looked around in surprise.

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