Chapter 28

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Hermione read the first letter then with a slightly puzzled look she passed it to Harry. He had no idea why he had been sent the letter, it was a progress and financial report for one of the largest food manufactures in the country. It was addressed to the chairman. There were seven further progress or financial reports, four letters of welcome to the board from some of the more successful large food retailers, the last three letters were from Mr Griphook of Gringotts bank, two requesting an appointment as soon as possible and the third one was a letter of congratulations on his new status as one of the most valued customers of the bank. They were still puzzling over the letters when Glanry entered the room looking more dignified than he had ever looked before.

"Excuse me M'lord, the minister of magic is here, she requests an audience as a matter of some urgency, she has a Goblin with her sir,"

Harry looked at Glanry and wondered once more why the elf seemed so distant at times. Hermione asked him to show the minister into the living room and then to have Erin bring them in some tea.

'Did you hear that, now he calls me M'lord like I'm some big wig or something' Harry complained.

'It's just his way Harry; you know what a stickler he is for etiquette sometimes' Hermione chuckled at Harry's indignation at being called M'lord.

Madam Bones entered the room looking rather flustered, and with out being asked she sank down into one of the comfortable chairs, Griphook followed her into the room then stood looking just a little nervous and waited by the door.

"Mr Griphook, I take it," Harry said to the Goblin who merely nodded "well would you care to join us." Harry indicated one of the chairs.

Griphook took the offered chair but still looked a little uncomfortable, Hermione offered the two guests a cup of tea and then took a seat opposite Madam Bones, she knew that there was some problem and wondered if one of them had failed their NEWT exams. Harry was still standing by the fireplace his mug of tea in his hand, he too knew there was something going on and he did not like the way that Griphook kept giving him nervous glances.

"Ok what's the problem?" Harry asked breaking the silence of the room.

"Perhaps you would like to sit down Harry," Madam Bones said as she delved into her case.

Harry took a seat next to Hermione 'I wonder what I did this time' he thought as Hermione took his hand in hers.

"Right first let me just get these out of the way," Madam Bones said as she handed them both an envelope.

"NEWT results, Hermione you got eleven out standing's, Harry you only got ten but you both got them all with distinctions, these are the highest pass marks since Albus Dumbledore did his, in fact you both scored a little higher than Albus, Harry you only got an A for history of magic, ok now that's out of the way, I have a problem I will need your help with, Harry last night you were declared legally of age, at nine pm you became an adult in the wizarding world. This morning I found three letters on my desk, one of the letters was extremely old and I had to treat it with great care, I have a copy here for you," she handed Hermione a long roll of parchment before continuing.

"It seems Harry that you are now Lord Gryffindor of Hogsmeade, legal owner of a vast estate that also includes Hogwarts school, you are in fact the owner of Hogwarts, it seems however that we at the ministry have a problem, the ministry owes the estate nearly three hundred years rent for the school, it appears from our records that on the death of a ministry employee nearly three hundred years ago his files were placed in the records office for safe keeping, they have been there undiscovered ever since, therefore the work he was doing was forgotten and were only this year unearthed. According to those files the Gryffindor estates and fortunes became the property of the Potter family five hundred years ago. You also own a rather large estate around Godrics Hollow, as well as the one we are now at, along with all the other known Potter holdings; you Harry are now the richest wizard in Britain.

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