Chapter 12

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"Oh, they tried to knock the magic out of me, said I was a freak, and there was no such thing as Magic," Harry said loudly to Hermione as they stood outside the door to Vernon's cupboard.

"Well if they said that dear, then I don't think they should get any supper do you?" Hermione replied in an equally loud voice.

"It was what they did to me on countless occasions, locked me in with no food, but are we as bad as them do you think?" Harry said trying not to laugh.

"Maybe not, I'll feed this one, you feed the other one, ok," Hermione said as she tapped the door with her wand, a second later a cat flap appeared and Hermione pushed in a dish of cold thin vegetable soup.

Harry did the same thing with Petunia's door; he never said a word as he placed the dish on the floor inside her cupboard.

"It seems Hagrid's giant half brother Grawp, is in need of a servant or two, but as he doesn't have any cupboards he has to use dungeons," Harry almost shouted.

Harry and Hermione waited for a minute to let what they had said sink in before he continued.

"What happened to the last servant he had?" she asked

"Seems Grawp got a little hungry one day so he ate him, anyway Dumbledore said they would make perfect servants for a giant," Harry said before Hermione had to run to the other end of the corridor and cast a muffliato charm so she would not be heard, before bursting out in fits of giggles.

Harry joined her, a huge smile on his face.

"Harry that was wicked, got hungry one day, honestly," she burst into laughter again.

'I wonder what Dumbledore has in store for the Dursleys in the morning' Hermione sent Harry later as they lay in bed holding each other face to face, arms and legs entwined.

'I don't think it will be anything that they are going to enjoy, do you, I mean did you see that gleam in his eyes, it looked positively wicked' Harry replied.

Hermione gave him a final kiss before saying good night, 'I want to be up to watch' she said as she rolled over and shuffled backward a little, so that she was spooned up as close as she could be to the love of her life 'night love' she thought as she began to drift off to sleep.

At five the next morning Vernon Dursley was awoken from a very fitful sleep; it only seemed like an hour since he had finally managed to fall asleep. The banging on his cupboard door was insistent so he yelled "I'm up, I'm up."

Petunia received the same rude awakening; she tried to stretch but cringed when her body reminded her of where she had slept, and just how uncomfortable she had been.

The two doors opened at the same time and two very painfully stiff Dursleys found them selves standing in front of Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.

"You Vernon will mow the lawn, weed the flower beds, sweep the drive way, and then clean the windows," Albus said before Vernon could speak.

"And you Petunia will scrub the stairs, clean the carpets, and polish the foyer floor, you will then clean all the windows inside," Minerva said.

"I'll do no such thing," Vernon yelled just before finding himself outside with an old lawn mower in his hands, he tried to walk away but found he could not let go of the mower handle. He knew then he had no choice but to do the chores he had been told to do, and as if to verify the thought for him the lawn mower began to drag him up and down the large lawns. One and a half hours later a rather tired and bedraggled Vernon was finally able to let go of the mower, he was just about to congratulate himself when a broom flew into his hands then proceeded to slowly sweep from left to right dragging Vernon along with it as it began to sweep the long drive.

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