Chapter 4

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At the start of term feast Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts and head of the Wizengamont, the supposed most powerful wizard of the age, pondered over his student Harry Potter, and his wife Hermione, the boy not yet fifteen had used the Petrificus Totalus spell on him in his own office. This feat alone was sufficient to cause Albus some concern, the fact that he had not been able to break free of the spell, pointed to the great amount of power wielded by the young man. That he was also able to do it without a wand was to say the least, amazing, such wandless magic was rarely accomplished, even by the most powerful. The last wizard to posses such power had been Merlin himself. It had not missed his notice that the young man also did it without saying a word, yet another amazing accomplishment for one so young.

Albus felt he needed to know more, he would have to keep an eye on the young Potter couple, a very close eye indeed. The thought that young Mr Malfoy might anger Harry flitted through his mind, but then he thought Harry was too good a person to cause any lasting harm on the Slytherin bully.

Harry for all the years he had lived in his other life, was feeling about as nervous as he ever had, it dawned on him that in this life he had only lived for close on fifteen years, he was in fact no longer an old man, he was still a teenage boy and he prayed that his raging teenage hormones could be kept under control while he shared married quarters with his wife.

Dobby was leading them toward the same corridor that contained the entrance to the headmaster's office and the staff quarters. Half way down the corridor, a passage on the left appeared and Dobby led them down it, stopping at the third door "Your Quarters Harry Potter sir," the little elf bowed as he held open the door. "Harry Potter sir will have to place a password on the door,"

Harry entered the room followed by Hermione, who was closely followed by Dobby. As Harry and Hermione looked around the small room they both realised at the same time that it was rather like a smaller version of the Gryffindor common room that they had spent so many happy days in.

"Dobby hopes that Mrs Harry Potter sir is happy with the room," the little elf mumbled nervously.

"This is brilliant Dobby," Harry and Hermione replied in unison, Hermione gave Harry an odd little look before asking about the rest of the quarters.

Dobby took just a few minutes to show them that there was a small kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedrooms. In one bedroom there was all the usual bedroom furniture and one rather large double bed, walking around the room Hermione was welcomed by the large mirror above what was obviously a woman's dresser. "Welcome home mistress," it said in a rather slow Scottish accent.

Harry left Hermione looking at the main bedroom while he checked out the other room; it contained two small four poster beds not unlike those in their usual dormitories. It did not take long before Hermione was placing her books on the bookshelves, already having sorted her other belongings and placed them in or on the dresser, in what she now called their bedroom. It took her a lot less time to unpack and put away all Harry's belongings.

Having finished in the bedroom Hermione decided that they should make their living room more homely than the common room had been. It needed just a little something.

"Harry love, could you come in here a moment," she called toward the second bedroom.

Harry popped his head around the door "Yes love?"

"We need a more personal touch in here, any ideas?" she asked smiling at the nervous look Harry gave her.

"Well apart from turning it into a small cupboard under the stairs I have no idea," Harry exclaimed, slightly alarmed to be asked about making the place more personal. After all he was a man and men didn't do such things.

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