Chapter 14

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The four friends were just sitting down for lunch when the main gate bell rang, Glanry stood at the back door and spoke to a small gargoyle, "Who is it, please state your business." It was Dig back with his things just as he had promised,

"Tell him to come in for lunch please Glanry," Hermione said as she poured tea.

Five minutes later they were all sitting having a quiet chat over some sandwiches when they heard a commotion from the living room. "I'll go I think I know who it is," Hermione said as she left the room.

Just as Hermione had thought it was Neville, he was just about to speak when she placed her finger on her lips indicating for him to remain quiet, "I want this to be a surprise," she whispered. Catching hold of Neville's hand she led him to the kitchen, his eyes were wide as he took in his surroundings. Ginny sprang up from the table and ran across the room, nearly knocking Neville off his feet as she flung herself at him, she was kissing him before he had really had a chance to know what was happening.

Ron sat wide eyed as Ginny kissed Neville rather passionately, right there in front of him, he was just about to say something when Harry stopped him, "It's not your business Ron."

The rest of the afternoon was spent helping to clean up the flat above the stables, at tea time they left Dig to settle in and maybe check on the horses.

The friends had a quiet evening, again Hermione had ushered them into the library but this time she did not try to get them to do any reading. She was a little busy kissing Harry. Harry mentioned sending for Luna next time as well as Neville. They were all in bed early, Hermione had a definite idea as to why she wanted to be in bed, she was not too sure about Ginny's reason, but Neville had a rather large smile on his face as he climbed the stairs. The next morning Harry was woken by Glanry, who told him that the main gate was open and he could not find Mistress Hermione.

Dressing rapidly Harry called 'Hermione love, can you hear me, where are you?'

Hermione answered him instantly 'Oh Harry I opened the gate for the Muggle postman, they threw him over the wall when they grabbed me'.

'Hermione do you know where you are love and are you ok?' Harry asked trying hard to remain calm; knowing Hermione had been kidnapped did not help.

'I think I'm at Malfoy manor, I heard Draco's voice a while ago, they were on about sending you an owl and laying a trap, Oh Harry, be careful'

'I'll check with you again shortly, if you have to, use your wandless magic' he told her as he grabbed his cloak.

"Glanry," he shouted. Just a few seconds later the elf appeared "Yes sir,"

"Glanry, can you take me to Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"I'm afraid not sir, I have never been to Hogwarts, I can call Dobby for you sir," he answered. Then without waiting to be told he called the little elf.

Dobby arrived seconds later, "Dobby is here Glanry sir."

"Dobby can you take me to Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts, Hermione has been kidnapped…" Harry never finished what he was about to say, with a huge bang he found himself facing Albus Dumbledore.

"Albus I don't have much time, Hermione has been kidnapped, I need the address of Malfoy Manor and at least three witnesses to come with me." Harry told him.

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