Chapter 32

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At three thirty that afternoon as Harry and Hermione arrived at the vicarage along with her parents and grand parents, Harry noticed someone watching their approach from one of the downstairs windows. Having waited a short while after knocking before the door was opened Harry informed the woman he assumed to be the house keeper that he was there to see the bishop.

"Sorry sir but the bishop refuses to see you," the woman said nervously from behind the door.

"He must have seen us arriving," Mr Granger said sounding just a little disappointed.

Together the small group turned to leave, once out of sight of the vicarage Harry stopped.

'Hermione love, you go on with the family, find somewhere for us to all get a meal, I have a visit to make to your other grandfather' Harry told her as he pulled his trusty invisibility cloak out of his pocket, this was not the first time he found it useful always having it with him. Forgetting that Mr and Mrs Puckle new nothing about him being a wizard, and before Hermione could say anything to him, Harry slipped the cloak over himself and instantly vanished.

"Ere! That's handy," Mr Puckle exclaimed as Harry vanished right before his eyes, "where the heck did he go?"

"It's ok granddad I'm still here, see you shortly bye," came Harry's disembodied voice from in front of them.

Grandmother Puckle turned to Hermione "So you're the one!" she whispered.

Totally surprised Hermione stared at her grandmother wondering if her grandmother had meant what she thought she meant. Grandmother Puckle then spoke to Hermione in a way she new that only a witch or someone who knew of their magical world would understand; the things she said would make no sense to a normal Muggle, she prayed that Hermione would really be the one she thought she was.

"My great grandma's was a unicorn hair core," Mrs Puckle whispered, she knew that if her suspicions about her granddaughter were correct then she would soon know the answer to her question.

"Dragon heartstring," Hermione answered getting an odd look from her granddad.

"And Harry?"

"Phoenix feather, you know then? About us, about our world?" Hermione asked her now slightly shocked but much happier grandmother.

"Not a lot dear, just the few things I remember my great grandma telling me about," Grandmother said pulling Hermione into a hug.

"The family thought she was the last one, but my grandmother said there would be a new branch on the tree and it would be the greatest ever, with one more powerful than any other, I never understood exactly what she meant till Harry did that neat little vanishing trick. Wanting your mum to marry a man with Harry's abilities was one of the foolish reasons I had for the stupid things I have done." Grandmother Puckle said whispering.

Hermione did not know what to say; as she returned the hug her grandmother gave her, she was beginning to understand her grandmother a little now.

'Harry, where are you?' Hermione asked.

'At this moment I'm waiting for your grandfather to open his study door' he answered.

'Grandma Puckle knows about us, about our world' Hermione told him.

'Can we talk about it later love I'm just about to tell your other family member that you are expecting a baby' Harry said chuckling a little.

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