Chapter 37

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Collin and Dennis Creevey could see their headmaster Albus Dumbledore stood along side a large black dog in the door way to a strange cottage, the two Creevey boys standing behind him were both wondering what was happening, and why they were here. Dumbledore had told them nothing, they had been told by professor Flitwick to go to the headmasters' study there they had found a note for each of them, as they read the note they had found themselves whisked away by a portkey to the house they were now standing out side of.

The boys watched as the headmaster walked from their sight in through the door way, and from inside they could hear what sounded like several people laughing, once or twice they saw a flash of light before they then heard a huge cheer coming from the house. Just a few seconds later they both had a shock as their father walked from the house carrying two gnomes, one in each hand.

"Hi boy's, back in a jiffy," Peter Creevey said to his two shocked sons.

Peter then rushed into the garden of the house next door, both Collin and Dennis followed him, wondering what on earth their father was doing with gnomes, muggles couldn't even see gnomes never mind carry them.

Peter Creevey was having the time of his life; he was performing spells with a wand for the first time in his entire life. He had hidden from the wizarding world and all its insults and the stigma of being a squib, along with his wife Gina, and they had lived the past twenty years as Muggles, they had even been married as Muggles never expecting to have anything more to do with the world of magic, that is until their sons had both shown early signs of being wizards, now thanks to Hermione he and his wife were both able to perform magic.

Rushing from the empty house he bumped into his two offspring as they peered into the dark interior. Inside the house next door Gina Creevey fell backwards over the old sofa as she grabbed a rather energetic female gnome, "I got one, I actually got one," she shouted as both Harry and Hermione laughed at her, all they could see of her were two feet sticking up from behind the sofa.

Albus unable to resist joined in the laughter as Mrs Creevey lay on her back her legs and feet rising up the back of the sofa she had just fallen over, behind her head a rather tired looking gnome sat down and wiped its forehead before it shouted "Oy Missus, how about catching me as well."

Gina Turned her head a little and held out her hand to the tired old gnome, "Not as young as I once was," the old gnome said as he climbed into her hand.

"I don't think I've had this much fun since I was a little girl," she told the gnome as she carefully dropped her legs to the ground then spun around so she could sit up.

Harry heard Dumbledore laugh as he watched Gina Creevey disappear backward out of sight. Looking up at the head master he wondered where the two Creevey boys were, Albus joined them in chasing and catching the gnomes, he was soon followed by Peter, Collin, and Dennis as they returned from the house next door, the look on the faces of the two Creevey brothers caused both Harry and Hermione to laugh hard and loud, to say they looked surprised would be an understatement, they had just entered the room when Gina crawled awkwardly out from behind the sofa, a gnome held carefully in each hand, gripped in her teeth was the wand she had been using.

Collin stood with his mouth wide open as he watched his mother covered in dust having a mumbled conversation with a tiny red faced gnome, Dennis was gaping at Harry his eyes wide with surprise, his mum and dad were doing magic with Harry Potter. This was a surprise he had never expected, even in his wildest dreams. Dumbledore suggested that the boys take a seat for a moment until they recovered from the shock. Both boys did as he said without question and sat on the sofa staring from Harry and Hermione to their parents, they were still wondering what was going on.

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