Chapter 15

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Harry sat at the kitchen table holding his mug of tea in both hands, he was not to worried about telling about his previous life to Dumbledore, but he was desperately worried about Hermione's reaction to finding out how old he had been, and that he had known all along about them being soul-mates, would she see him as an old man, would she be able to forgive. Would she still want to live with him as his wife, would all his happiness in this new life be taken from him? All these thoughts raced through his mind as he waited for her to return. Hermione returned from the library with a rather large old book, placing it on the table next to Harry she sat down and began to gently turn the ancient parchment pages, taking great care with each one, only touching the very edges of the pages, rubbing each one flat very gently with the sleeve of her shirt before turning the next page. Finally she reached the page she had been looking for. Harry leant over and watched as Hermione traced a finger above the hand written words; the entire book was an old illustrated manual, the script all hand written in Latin. The page Hermione and Harry were reading was dedicated to the magic of prehistory, written down by Godric Gryffindor himself.

Harry began to read the ancient Latin script.

Magik of Mother earth.

The story of the ancient magik of our ancestors handed down by word of mouth.

Twas a powerful magik indeed, tis told that to delve into the magik of the earth and sky was to release a force so powerful nothing could stand in its way.

My ancestor Arregimus Gryffindor did with this magik destroy the legions of the Firbolg who did attempt to take away the lands of the people. Tis said Arregimus did one thousand kill with one gesture of his hand, alas Arregimus was unable to control the power of the earth he did release, and it did consume him there after.

His son Artymus did with great care learn the secret of this magik. After much work and many days and weeks did he learn the way to harness and indeed unite the two magik's, and thus he did find it did infuse his blood and did bestow it upon his heirs. Tis said that this magik is the power of the Gryffindors, passed down through the generations, tis only called forth by the head of the family in times of true need

i'I'll tell you what it says later'/i she thought to him.

'Its ok love, you taught me Latin in my other life, it really can come in handy' he replied.

Hermione looked at Harry as he read "You can use this, show it to Dumbledore, tell him about being the heir to Gryffindor, that's how you called forth the Gryffindor sword, he'll be so busy trying to work it all out he will never think to question you, and if he does you can tell him about how you swore an oath never to reveal it to the world."

Harry did not look convinced "You don't think I should tell them about Albus and mum, and all that,"

"No love, give him something he can puzzle over," Hermione told him "after all you are the heir, this way they won't know about your own magic, they'll think it was the earth magic, something that is only temporary."

"What's all this about Harry, what has your mum got to do with it?" Ginny asked.

'I should have known Ginny would ask' Harry thought but he was saved from answering by Hermione who tapped Ginny twice with her foot, it was their way of letting her know they would talk later when just the three of them were together.

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