Chapter 40

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Harry looked over at Hermione as she, helped by his mother who oddly looked about the same age as her daughter in law, put the finishing touches to little Richards miniature wizard robes, some thing about Hermione seemed to glow in some way, it took him a while to figure it out then it dawned on him, it was the pleasure in her eyes when she looked at her children, they seemed to light up her face with joy and pride. As far as he was concerned Hermione had never looked anymore radiant than she did right then as she dressed the twins for the coming celebration.

His eyes roamed over her from her head to her feet, 'heck she's turned into a beautiful woman' he thought even as his gaze stopped at her slightly larger than normal waist line, the memory of the softness of her stomach over the last few weeks flitted through his mind, 'she has just had twins and already her figure is returning' he thought slightly surprised, it wasn't that her figure was returning that had him surprised he already knew it would, it was the speed of it all.

Turning his attention away Harry looked disbelievingly out of the window, the warm sunny weather they had been enjoying had gone, and had been replaced by an extremely heavy rain; he could hear it pounding on the marquee roof even through the closed window. He was just thinking that it might ruin the naming celebrations when a hand was placed on his shoulder, looking to see who it was he found himself looking into the proud eyes of his father.

"You should move every thing into the dinning room, Glanry knows the phrase that will convert it into a ballroom," James said quietly as he looked out into the rain.

Harry checked his watch, he had about half an hour before the guests were due to arrive, if he was quick enough he might just be able to do it. Calling Glanry Harry told him what he was about to do.

"Master Harry should change for the celebration, we elves will arrange everything, sir," Glanry said as he looked at Harry still in his old jeans.

Harry looked down at himself "Sugar I forgot," he gasped before grabbing his fresh clothes from his wardrobe and rushing to the bathroom.

Hermione looked up into the eyes of Lily Potter, "Do all new mums feel this way?" she asked quietly as Lily tied the tiny shoes of Richard.

Lily beamed a smile at her "I was so proud of Harry, so happy and full of love on his naming day, I still am, I'm just sorry we missed so much of his life, we were never there to help him."

"You were always there Lily, every step he took he thought about you and James," Hermione said knowing it to be true.

Lily gave Hermione another smile "I'm so pleased that Harry was given the chance of some happiness, his coming back to put things right, I am so pleased he did the right thing, I'm so happy for him."

"That's all I ever want to do, is to make Harry happy," Hermione told Lily as they checked the twin's clothes for one last time.

"I know sweetheart, it is only through the power of the love you two share that we were able to come back and be here today, my boy loves you so much," Lily said as she cuddled her grand daughter.

"I wish you could join us at the celebration Lily," Hermione said wistfully

"Me too, but it can't be, no one else must know," Lily replied quietly "I mean we are dead remember."

"I know but…" Hermione trailed off she just wished that things could be a little different, she really liked her mother in law, they were so alike.

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