Chapter 30

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The words sounded like thunder in Harry's ears as Mr Granger spoke in the quiet of the living room, Mrs Granger and Hermione had gone up stairs for some odd mother daughter talk about babies, leaving Mr Granger and Harry alone in the what now seemed to Harry like a shrunken living room. Mr Granger had heard the last parts of the conversation, Lord and Lady, his little family now had titled children.

"So Harry, you're going to be a father and I am going to become an old man, a grandfather?" Richard Granger said with a grave look on his face.

"Yes, look Mr Granger, we both wanted this, it's not an accident or a mistake, we both knew what we wanted and we are wealthy enough to make sure our children are well looked after," Harry mumbled, hoping Mr Granger was not going to be a problem.

"Harry son don't you think it's about time you called me dad, or even Richard. How's it going to look to our new family member if his or her dad calls me Mr all the time," Mr Granger sighed, he had been in a similar situation that Harry now found himself in, sitting alone with his own father in law not so many years ago, though the outcome then had been far different.

"Sorry, just never thought about it, dad it is then," Harry said with some relief, things seemed to be going better than he expected.

Mr Granger looked at Harry with an odd smile on his face "I suppose you were expecting a lecture from me, all about being too young to be parents and what have you,"

Harry nodded, that was exactly what he expected.

"How old would you say I am Harry?" Mr Granger asked.

Harry hadn't a clue, it was something he had never thought about, he had never had reason to. "I haven't a clue sir," he admitted.

"Well I want you to think about this, when my grandchild arrives, I am going to become a grand father at the ripe old age of thirty five," he told Harry

The silence in the room was tangible as Harry worked out the math, 'if he's going to be thirty five, that must mean he is now thirty four or just thirty five, Hermione is seventeen, bloody hell they were younger than we are when they had Hermione' Harry began to chuckle and it slowly built into a laugh as he saw the grin on his father in laws face.

"I would enjoy the laugh while you can Harry, because you my boy are going to be taking a trip to the seaside with me and Helen, and you are the one who is going to tell Hermione's fifty seven year old grandmother that she is about to become a great grandmother, and believe me Helen is just a cuddly toy compared to her mum," Mr Granger was now the one chuckling at the look on Harry's face.

For some reason Harry got a sinking feeling in his stomach, Hermione had grand parents but she had never once mentioned them, and he wondered why, not that it mattered he just found it odd he had never known.

'Hermione Jane, could you come down here please, I think your dad wants' to throw me to the wolves or something' Harry called to his wife.

Mr Granger had been sitting chuckling away quite merrily as Harry thought through what he had said, and he was still grinning like the winner of a lottery when Hermione and her mum entered the room.

"What is it Harry love?" Hermione asked as she walked over and held his hand.

"Your dad says I'm to visit your grandmother with him, you know the grandmother you never mentioned," Harry answered.

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