Chapter 8

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Albus Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry sat in his usual seat at breakfast in the great hall, and watched the commotion as the female population gathered around the head of the Gryffindor table, the interest in Mrs Hermione Potters' wedding ring was causing quite a stir.

Albus Pondered on the meal the night before, it had been a most delicious meal and he would have to admit it had been expertly cooked; it was just another little hint about his favourite pupil Harry Potter. The past few months Harry had shown quite a great deal of power and knowledge for someone so young, then there was his so called visions that had lead to the defeat of Tom Riddle and four of his top henchmen. These facts alone had puzzled him but now he had something new to add to the collection, Harry's memory of Deloris Umbridge. It had been a real memory, not something from a vision or something made up, it had been real. The question was when could Harry have obtained such a memory, Umbridge had never taught at the school, and had never had the opportunity to wield the power of headmistress. 'Time, Time is what I need, indeed it's an odd thing time' he said to himself as a theory began to develop in his astute mind.

While Dumbledore pondered the new events, Harry and Hermione were the centre of attention, well Hermione was. Girl after girl came to admire her new rings, even the girls from the Slytherin house were queuing to take a look. Hermione was whispering to Ginny that her arm was beginning to ache with all the lifting to show the admirers, many oohs and aahs were heard around the table that morning.

The rest of the term was unremarkable as far as Harry was concerned; he had no more Dark Lord trying to kill him. No ministry trying to discredit him, in fact the most exciting thing that happened to him all term was while in potions. Professor Snape insulted Hermione and made a reference to her being Muggle born. Harry stood from behind his desk and approached Snape.

"Excuse me Sir, but you will not insult my wife, in fact you will in future be quite civil to her," Harry said quite boldly.

"I beg your pardon," Snape hissed at Harry "just who do you think you are talking too?"

Harry leant forward and spoke so only Snape could hear him "How would it look if memories of your love for a Muggle born witch were released, memories of you and your best friend, my mother," Harry asked quietly.

For the first time Harry could remember he saw Snape blush and he was sure he saw a tear in the normally cold black eyes. Snape was quite polite to most of his pupils from that day on, and did in fact begin to help his students instead of intimidating them.

Harry was convinced that Snape was actually enjoying teaching properly, although he never had proof of it.

Dumbledore thought the sudden change in Severus Snape was just another piece in the jig saw puzzle that was Harry Potter, and he was certain he had come to the correct conclusion, though how it had been done he was yet to discover. 'Time' he thought 'is the answer'.

Two weeks before the Christmas holiday began Harry called Dobby into his quarters and asked the elf if he could visit Potter House and check what needed to be done to prepare the house for habitation, and if it could all be done for the beginning of the holiday. Having given his small friend directions and a piece of parchment with the address on Harry joined Hermione in the bedroom.

Dobby returned before breakfast the following morning "Harry Potter sir," he whispered as he shook Harry awake, Harry shushed the elf and whispered for him to wait in the other room while he dressed. Five minutes later Dobby was telling Harry.

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