Chapter 17

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Sunday morning, Hermione was sitting alone in the living room, she had decided last week that she would spend some time reading Godric's book, and she found it fascinating. Some of the magic she had already tried, the wand movements were all so simple, now she was reading again the chapter about 'Mind Magik'. The contents of the chapter were not quite what the title suggested; it gave techniques for doing magic just by thinking about it.

Hermione had made several attempts but had failed each time so she was now re-reading the entire chapter in case she had missed something. She was so engrossed in the book she never heard the floo call coming through, until Molly Wesley actually shouted at her loudly; startled by the shout Hermione fell from the couch.

Molly burst out laughing while trying to apologise for making the girl jump. "Sorry Hermione," she finally managed as Hermione picked herself up and knelt in front of the fire.

"Hello Mrs Weasley, how are you?" she asked trying to sound casual.

"Yes hello dear, I just called to ask what colour icing we should have on Harry's cake this year? Arthur thought maybe a Gryffindor theme would be nice," Molly looked around the room to see who else was there.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, specially for Harry, thank you so much for going through so much trouble," Hermione shifted herself, she was not exactly a good cook her self, and it annoyed her a little not being able to do these sort of things for Harry.

"Mrs Weasley, would there be, I mean do you think, what I'm trying to say is I need to learn to cook, my mother was never one for cooking and I've never even seen her attempt any baking, would you be willing to help teach me?" she asked sheepishly.

"Yes alright dear, tell you what, instead of bringing the cake over on Harry's birthday, I'll bring it over the day before, then we can spend some time in your kitchen and I'll show you how to do a few dishes to be getting on with, how's that sound," Molly smiled at the girl she thought of as a second daughter.

"That would really be great, Mrs Weasley, really great," Hermione enthused.

"Right I'm glad that's settled, I wont have to worry about Harry losing weight if you can cook, so see you on Tuesday then, bye,"

"Yes Tuesday, bye Mrs Weasley," Hermione smiled as Mrs Weasleys head vanished from the fire.

Hermione settled back on the couch and opened Godric's book once again, then thought 'It's nice of Molly to give up time on Tuesday just too… OH MY GOODNESS',

Hermione sprang from the couch ending up once more on the floor in a heap. Scrambling to her feet she called for Glanry, he arrived seconds later with a gentle pop,

"You called Mistress Hermione," he asked

"Glanry is Miss Ginny still here?" she asked a little frantic.

"I believe so Mistress, I believe that everyone is out on the Quidditch pitch."

"Oh could you check for me, if she's there could you ask her to meet me in the living room as soon as possible? Tell her it is extremely urgent, please," Hermione asked.

Ginny arrived in the living room breathless ten minutes later, "This better be good Hermione Jane Potter, I just left the winning side for you."

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