Chapter 36

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Saturday lunchtime was just a couple of hours away as Harry helped Dig in cleaning out the stables, they both stopped working and looked up, and then they both walked to the door. They had heard a car approaching, not just any car, this one was just about the noisiest they had ever heard coming up the lane. Both curious as to who would be driving such a vehicle Harry and Dig moved closer to the house to get a better look, they could see a bright orange red car that was smoking rather badly and sounded as if half the engine was dragging on the floor struggling up the lane. As Harry and Dig watched the beat up old car struggling up the hill they both wondered if it would make it to the top. It stopped outside the Gates to Potter House and Harry knew even before he saw the driver that Peter Creevey had arrived.

The old car pulled up outside front of the house at the same time as Harry and Dig reached the front door, Peter Creevey and his wife climbed out of the car as it gave its very last gasp then with a shudder and a rather loud clunk it fell silent.

Peter introduced his wife to lord Gryffindor "This is the wife Georgina, M'lord."

They had come to take a look at the cottage they had been offered, looking at the car Mrs Creevey sighed "It looks like we will be staying here for a while so that you can repair the car dear."

Harry would have sworn he saw a crafty smile on Peter Creevey's face just for a fleeting moment, he was about to remind Mrs Creevey that a simple wave of his wand could do a Reparo spell on the car, but thought better of it as he thought about it, it seemed highly possible that Peter Creevey may well have known that the car would never be able to do the complete round trip. Harry invited the Creevey's in for a cup of tea "You deserve one for getting here at all," Harry chuckled as he looked at the column of smoke rising from the car, "Fancy a cuppa Dig?" he added as he walked into the entrance hall followed by Mr and Mrs Creevey.

"Yes sirree," Dig said as he removed his wellingtons before entering the house.

Hermione came to join them from upstairs, and as she walked slowly down the stairs Harry noticed for the first time that she had a small but distinct bulge on her previously flat stomach, and it made his stomach flutter, the first real outward sign he had noticed showing that his wife was pregnant with his children, it stopped him mid stride making his heart swell with love for her. Ignoring the fact that he had guests following him he rushed up the stairs to meet her half way and then he held out his arm for her to take, just has he had done at the Yule Ball. Feeling like a king Harry led them into the kitchen where Erin soon had a pot of tea ready.

It took Harry a while to tear his eyes from the now definite bulge of his wife's stomach, he actually missed the first part of the discussion they were having, he was instead dreaming of the future, realising that he was staring he managed to bring his mind back from its wandering and listen as Hermione explained to Mrs Creevey about the job she had offered Peter.

"Now that I'm pregnant I can't disapparate, and I don't really like to use the floo network, we have decided that we should get a car of our own instead of hiring one," Hermione was saying to Mrs Creevey.

"Yeah and it'll save us having to walk down to the village, or ride the quad bike in the rain," Harry added nodding his agreement with Hermione.

"So this is just a temporary job, while you're pregnant?" Mrs Creevey asked.

"Oh no, with my husband being a lord there are times when we have to go visit places or people, but can't reveal that we are magical, so the job will be permanent. Of course we won't use the car as often as a Muggle family would but that would give Peter more time with his family, and less time working." Hermione answered.

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