Chapter 35

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Having left Hogwarts as the first lesson of the day got under way, Harry stood by the carriage door and looked out at the almost deserted platform, they had said their goodbyes to Ginny and Neville at breakfast in the great hall, now he was waiting as Hermione gave a last hug to her family before she joined him on the ancient steam train that served as Hogsmeade's main supply route.

All his in-laws were staying at Hogwarts as guests of Dumbledore, Marjorie was having some tiny increase in the trace of magic that Madam Pomfrey had found in her, so Albus wanted to keep an eye on her, or so he said, though Harry felt there might be an ulterior motive, like keeping his family around him as he got to know them, he had seemed a little disappointed when Harry and Hermione said they were leaving. Helen and Richard Granger were staying behind to get reacquainted with the grandparents, all three of them, David Puckle had just agreed to go along with what was happening around him, Harry felt just a little sorry for him as he had so suddenly been immersed into a world of magic, that less than a week ago he had never even known existed.

Mr Granger walked the few steps to stand next to Harry "Take care of her Harry, make sure she doesn't over do it again, you know what she's like, and if she's anything like her mother was with the changes she's beginning to go through, she's going to become rather difficult to deal with."

Harry looked at his father in law and wondered just what kind of changes he was referring to when Hermione finally joined him, together they climbed into the drafty old carriage and Harry closed the door. Leaning through the window Hermione gave her dad one last kiss on his cheek as the train began to move slowly away from the platform and left the station. The long train ride was far from comfortable, the ancient old carriage they were in was the only passenger carriage on the train and though they had tried nearly all the seats none were as comfortable as those on the Hogwarts express. Harry thought about all that had happened in the past week, meeting and telling the Grangers, then meeting and telling the Puckle's followed by the strange meeting with the bishop. all followed by meeting and discovering that Albus Dumbledore, the head teacher and friend that they both thought of as a grandfather figure was indeed Hermione's great, great grandfather. 'Yes, this has been just another odd week in the life of Harry Potter' he chuckled to himself and got an odd look from his wife.

By the time the ancient old train had reached Manchester both Harry and Hermione were feeling the strain of the longer than usual train ride, the Hogwarts express had been comfortable and fairly quick, whilst the old thing they now rode in was rattling and rolling all over the place, the ride was bumpy and definitely uncomfortable. Harry suggested they get out while the train sat in the station as goods were off loaded and new goods were loaded, 'We could get the knight bus home, then I can apparate to Poole and settle our bill there' he suggested as he opened the carriage door.

Hermione didn't like the idea of riding on the knight bus, she remembered only too well how she had been thrown about by the erratic way it was driven the last time she had been on it, not wanting to do anything at all that would put her babies at risk helped her make the decision.

"We should hire a car or taxi to take us to Potter house, it's only about eighty miles from here," she told Harry as he helped her from the carriage.

With their arms around each other like two new lovers laughing and joking with each other they walked to the huge hotel next to the station, after ordering a meal in the restaurant, Harry using his new found influence in the Muggle world that being a Lord brought him, inquired about where they could hire a car to take them home to Wales. All the arrangements were made by the hotel staff for them, and an hour later they walked from the hotel and climbed into a nice comfortable car, sitting in the back seat Harry chuckled quietly at a thought he had.

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