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I woke up to screaming right in my ear. A scream I don't fully recognize but causes my heart to squeeze. 


Bolting upright, I notice him screaming and thrashing around. Immediately I held him down the best I could as he bolted upright still screaming. The gladers were all up with weapons ready looking for danger when they caught sight of us. Minho came over helping me hold Tommy down. 

"What's going on?" 

"Nightmare I think, but I've never seen him act like this."

The others agreed and began to sort of form a circle around us. 

"He's always so strong. You think it's because about the Maze?"-Frypan

"That or the Agents." Minho agreed nodding off to the aircrafts that are still here.

I know one thing, and that's that we need to wake him up. He's in pain and I don't know why. But it's enough that it's heartbreaking to hear and I don't want him stuck in that place any longer. 

"Tommy! Tommy! Calm down. It's okay, we're all here. I'm here." I said into his ear before he relaxed into me. 

"Yeah, Tommy." He let out a breath before relaxing even more into me. 

"You gave us all a fright. This has never happened before. What was it?"

"My memories." slipped out of his mouth in a broken whisper. 

"You got your memories back?"-Minho

Tommy only nodded. 

"It's not good is it?" I whispered pulling him closer as the gladers tightened the circle they made around us offering silent comfort.

"I wish I didn't; get them back." He whispered. 

"You want to talk to us about it? We are here for you Tommy."

"Which part do you want first? The fact that things like werewolves are real or that my biological father is a shuckface?"

"Biological Father?"-Ares

"Werewolves are real?!"-Minho

"Just from the beginning Hermano." -Jorge

Nodding Thomas sat up straighter in my arms, while still leaning against me using me for support. Support I will always give him. 

"So Supernatural creatures like werewolves and wendigos are real. Witches, Darachs, Druids, Vampires...... the works. Ghosts/evil spirits, get the picture?" We all nodded and he continued, 

(A/N: Trigger Warning)

"I know because of my biological family. They hunt these types of things. I had to learn about all the monsters beginning at age 4. Now my biological father was a shank, He beat me up and would lock me in rooms. Not allow me to participate in training with my older brothers. Said I was too distracting and forced me to stay away during these times. Then when I was 8 years old he was taking me on my first hunt. Something that I was nervous about. However, he took me to an abandoned road and basically used me like a whore. Raped me. Then dumped me outside a sheriff's station and I never heard from him again."

"So that's good right?"-Minho

That was so much crap to go through as a little kid, and I don't even think Tommy is done yet. 

"It was for a bit. I made a friend with Scott McCall."

"Like the agent."-Ares

"Yeah, that's Scott's dad. We were practically best friends and going into freshmen year of high school I drug him into the woods to find half of a dead body that the police were still looking for. Having found the previous half already. Which was when everything went downhill fast. Scott got bit by a werewolf and we continued to deal with the supernatural creatures up close and personal as they killed everyone in town. I got possessed at one point." Tommy brought his hand up behind his ear rubbing at a dark marking there, almost as a grounding technique. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now