653 20 5

Trigger Warning: Alludes to child abuse, rape/SA


"It's okay if you don't want to do this, Tommy." 

I glanced over at Newt. We're currently sitting in front of the loft. I haven't backed out yet to go meet Sam and Dean. 

"I want to, I'm just nervous."

"Because you don't know if John will be there." Newt picked up on my tone. 

I just nodded taking a deep breath. 

"He's just another one of my demons I need to face." 

"It seems like we've been nonstop facing demons. We can all take a break. You can take a break, Tommy."

"After this," I said turning my body to fully face Newt. 

He had this small smile on his face, an understanding look in his eyes. We're both just so tired. 

Newt interlaced our fingers as I pulled out of the lot.

 What I'm doing now is getting closure. Getting answers. Facing a past demon. 

Why is it that humans are so much worse than supernatural big bads?

Newt's doing his best to distract me by rambling about little things, the gladers, as we make our way to the motel Dean said they were at. 


Pulling into the motel parking lot I see the impala. My body tenses and I squeeze Newt's hand. Quickly, I park and get out of the car before I'm sucked into a memory. Another thing I've been experiencing since I've gotten the memories back. 

However, walking to their door I can't help my gaze going to the car. The bad touch feeling I get. The feel of his hands on me. My screams fell on deaf ears.

A nudge to my side and a quiet yet sternly said, 


I shook my head focusing back on the faded blue door in front of the Impala. Knocking as I took a breath. It was like they were waiting because the door was yanked open. Standing there was Dean. 

"Hey, Dee."


He moved out of the way to let us in. 


"Stiles." I breathed out phone still up to my ear.
Sam looked at me gesturing to put the phone on speaker so that he could hear our younger brother. 

"It's Thomas now."

"I wondered if you were ever going to go by your middle name as you got older. How did you get this number, buddy?"

"My dad.... the Sheriff. Old acquaintances let it slip that you all were looking for me. I just figured we could sit down and have a conversation." 

He's willing to come to us to talk. I looked at Sam. Quick silent conversations. 

"Probably should. We're at the motel on the edge of town. Car's parked outside of our room."

"Okay, I'll be over later today."

He hung up the phone. 

"He sounds so much older." 

"Of course he does, Sammy. He was an 8-year-old child the last time we saw him and based on the research we've done he's been through a lot. More supernatural things as well." 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now