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(A/N: this is probably going to be more of a filler chapter and not very long)


"You either take us willingly and we all stick together, or you attempt to take us forcefully and you'll all end up dead." 

Now I'm used to Stiles' sarcastic hostile nature. But this. This isn't just a threat, it's a promise. Stiles, no, Thomas is the leader. He makes the calls, he protects everyone the best he can. But he listens to everyone and includes their opinions in the decisions and choices he makes. Something I rarely see in leaders. Not even in my own son who is an Alpha werewolf in charge of his own pack. 

"Alright, I can see what I can do. Shall we inform our charges and then proceed from there?" 

Thomas nodded before he and the two boys he came with left. Before I could call my team in and explain the new plan my phone rang. 

"Agent McCall." 


"Scott, what's wrong?" 

"These hunters, Sam and Dean Winchester showed up looking for Stiles." 

"Did you say, Winchester?" 

"Yeah, do you know them?" 

"I know they've had several warrants out for their arrest throughout the years. They're dangerous people, Scott, so do me a favor and stay far away."


"Okay, if we do decide to go willingly we'll stay together. However, before you all make your decisions you have to understand what going to Beacon Hills means. We'll probably be fighting or running for our lives, but this time from supernatural creatures."

"Well, we've followed you this far haven't we."-Minho

"Besides, what would our lives mean if we aren't either running from something or fighting a common enemy anyway."-Newt

"Alright, all in favor of going raise your hands," I said and the voting began. 

Going to Beacon Hills: 











In all honestly, I thought a lot less would come with me to Beacon Hills. At least Vince is here and capable of taking care of those staying behind. 

"You understand Thomas, don't you?"-Vince

"I do. Good luck to you all." 

"You as well son." 

We grabbed a few things, we don't own much and headed back to Agent McCall. Better to get it over with before someone is impulsive. 


"Where is everyone else?"-Random Agent

"They wish to stay here." 

"That's not the plan."

"That's not how that works." 

"I'd just let them be if I were you." 

"Owen, Rogers. If they do not wish to come. Then they do not have to. We can leave them away to contact us if they so wish but let's not force them, yeah?"-McCall

Begrudgingly Owen and Rogers listen and we all board the aircraft. Time to go home. God that feels weird to use. I don't know if well anymore. The people there sure as hell don't know me. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now