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The arguing hasn't stopped. It's actually gotten more heated. Now they're fully trying to decide for me on where I should stay. 

No one is truly paying attention. 

My permanent residence isn't the main problem. 


I looked down at Newt. 

"I'm okay, go."

I pulled him up with me. We need to leave. 

Ignore this problem. 

As we make our way to the door, Scott is suddenly in front of me. 

Derek and Peter coming up on either side. 

Both Alphas flashed their eyes. Peter's flashing blue. 

"Where are you going?" Scott growled. 

"Home." I deadpanned. 

Newt had crowded up behind me. Hands on my back. 

I'm so tired of being ganged up on. 

"And where is that?!"

I rolled my eyes, he was jabbing at loyalties. 

Well, two can play that game. 

"With my family, you know those "freaks" as you called them who I came here with. That's it. I'm not a part of your pack. I will never be a part of it again. I have my own pack anyway. One that actually has my back. One that trusted me to get us all out safely. One that followed my plans with no "moral hang-ups"."

I turned seeing Dean and Sam looking at us. 

Sam is on the verge of saying something probably stupid. 

"I'm not going with the two of you either. Yeah, you might be my brothers. Sure this is the first time I've seen you since I was 8. But I can take care of myself now. I have people that can help me as well. Besides, my dad, the Sheriff, is here. I don't want to bring my family to hunts when we're finally at a place of peace. We can't be on high alert trying not to die every day. I can't put them through that again."

Before either party could dispute/argue with me. Cas stepped in. 

"That is understandable. You've made your own decision for the past several years and you have survived. Even if not all of you, those were out of your control. But they're all happy now. Newt looks like he should get some rest." 

He made the wolves unblock the door so we could get out. Climb in the Jeep and head back to the Gladers who possibly are worrying. 

I could hear everyone's protests. But I am just done with everything. Newt and I need some time to decompress. I need time to process. I almost lost Newt for the second time. 


Everyone has finally left our motel room.

Now we've definitely overstayed our welcome. 

What was already a heated conversation became an argument and screaming math as the local werewolf pack barged in. Newt almost died because of that dumb kid. 

Thomas had the same haunted look on his face that Sammy had when he lost Jessica. 

Thomas loves this kid and I'll be damned if anything ever happened to him. Near-death experiences seemed to have happened on multiple occasions. Possibly recently going by their reactions once Thomas could check on him.

I rubbed my hand through my hair glancing at Sam. We still fucked up. We couldn't help. We didn't step in against the wolves. 

Hell, we didn't even take his side, Cas did. 

Sam sighed leaning against the dresser. 

"We need to leave town, Dean."

"I know Sam, but we need to stop and apologize to Thomas first. Make sure that he knows we'll come if he needs us to. Let him know that he and his friends are always welcome at the bunker." 

"We don't know his friends, Dean." 

"But that Newt kid is his Jessica. How they acted here. I bet those friends fight for and with them. Besides we don't know what those kids have been through, but I know it's bad."

Sam seemed to think it over before agreeing. 


We pulled up to the apartment building Cas said Thomas and his friends were staying in. 

"Hope we don't get shot," I said as we walked to the elevator. 

"Knock first maybe."-Sam.

We continued the rest of the way in silence. 


Cas met us at their door. 

Freaking Angels

Same knocked on the door and Thomas opened it looking less than thrilled. 

"What do you want?"

"To apologize."

He looked at me.

"I know that I can't change what's happened in the past, but I wish I could. I should've been there for you. We should have. We understand your decision, but I want you to know that you are all welcome at the bunker Sam and I stay at. It's in Lawrence, Kansas. If you need anything, call us Thomas."

I think we shocked him with our words. 

It took him a second to respond. 

"Thanks, Dean." 

A small smile. 

He looks exhausted. Hopefully, he can relax now. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now