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We arrived in Beacon Hills two days ago and found out where the pack would be at today. Sammy and I are just going to attempt to either converse with them or scare them. I'd rather just kill them but Sam says that they might know where we could find Stiles. How do we even know if they ever met Stiles? Dad could've lied about that part too. Maybe Stiles got out and was able to have a normal childhood, like Adam. Unlike Adam, maybe Stiles was able to stay out of it. He was too smart for his age, I remember that. But it would be nice to think that Stiles wasn't hit with the Winchester Curse. 

"So how do you want to do this?" Sam asked looking at me as we made our way to the Hale pack. 

"Guns blazing?" 

"Here's the thing I don't get. If dad went through the trouble of researching the Hales but didn't take Stiles to them. Why didn't he kill them?"

"Details Sam. Dad was secretive and kept things to himself. If he told us all the details we might've been able to read through his lies."

"Yeah, just something about this rubs me the wrong way."

"Then what Sam, you just want to knock don't heir front door and ask?" I sarcastically commented as I turned off onto an unpaved path through the trees. 

"Yes, Dean. That's exactly what I'm saying." 

"Fine."I huffed opting to drive the rest of the way in silence. 


A car pulled up to the house. But everyone is here, minus Melissa and the Sheriff, who are both at work. Hell, even Chris and Peter are here. 

Gunpowder, Hunters. 

"What the hell are hunters doing here," I said to Chris. 

"I don't know. I'm the only hunter who should know your location. I suggest everyone stay on alert though." 

"They don't smell of wolfsbane, I don't even smell any other than what's mixed in Chris' scent."-Peter

"Let's just see what they want."-Chris

I nodded in agreement heading to the door as I heard approaching footsteps. A barely there knock on the door and I pulled it open raising an eyebrow at the two men on the other side.

"I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. We were wondering if you knew a Stiles." 

Winchesters, great just what we need. What the hell do they want with Stiles?


"We're just looking for him." 

"How do you know Stiles?"-Scott

I glared at him as he pushed his way into the conversation. Too impulsive, impatient. Noticed it a lot, especially when he kicked Stiles out for his "own safety" like Scott that he was ruining Stiles' morals or getting him hurt, like with the Nogitsune. 

"So you do know him."-Dean

"Haven't seen him in years. No idea where he could be." I said hoping they'd leave. 

"We met him a while back. Just wanted to catch up. Heard he might be here, sorry to inconvenience you." Sam said pulling Dean down the steps with him. I stayed outside until I could no longer hear their car and only then did I close and lock the door. 

Stiles, what did you do that would have the Winchesters looking for you? 

~Safe Haven~

*3rd pov*

Thomas, Newt, and Minho make their way toward the agents' vehicle/aircraft to have a civil conversation. Leaving Gally with the rest of the Survivors and Gladers. The closer the three got to the Agents, the more spilled out into the open, armed and ready to fight back. Agent McCall among them. 


"I'd prefer if you called me Thomas." 

"Of course, my apologies Thomas. May I ask why you three are here?" 

"Civil conversation."-Newt

Agent McCall nodded leading the three into the main aircraft to have a talk. 

"The goal is to evacuate you all from this simulator you've been put in and get you back to the real world. To your families." 

"We'd prefer to stay together." 

"I'm aware and we can keep you all in contact with each other, however, most of you have families and friends out there that don't know what happened to you. They deserve closure. Thomas, your father is waiting out there for you." 

*Stiles/Thomas* (Trigger Warning mention of abuse)

My father? Which one? The Sheriff or John the abuser? Though since it's McCall speaking he probably means the Sheriff. 

"No one even truly remembers their families. We are each other's families and we would like to stick together." I tried again. If they split us up, we'll fight to stay here. Better to stay together with those you trust than to be far apart with people we barely know. With people I no longer trust. I'd rather find my brothers than go back to a pack that threw me out long ago. Like I was a useless waste of space. The same thing I'm sure John had in mind when he left me in Beacon Hills. 

"It's not really up for negotiation." 

"Then why the bloody hell are we even having this conversation?" 

I quickly pulled Newt back. Don't worry, I agree with him. But we really don't need this shit. 

"To make us believe we have a choice. But this is how it's going to work." I started gaining their attention. 

"You either take us willingly and we all stick together, or you attempt to take us forcefully and you'll all end up dead." 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now