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(A/N Trigger Warning. Mentions of rape.)

~ Thomas' Dream~

"Bean, what are you holding?" 

"It's a who Sammy. This is Stiles, our new baby brother. You're going to help me look out for him right?" 

A mop of curly brown hair shook violently in a yes motion. 


"Stiles get back here." 

"Dee." a toddler giggled running around the hotel room naked. 


"You bastard. You need to quit distracting them." 


"They're learning. You need to pay attention and read this." 


A punch was thrown at the 4 year old boy causing him to hit the floor as a big heavy book was dropped by his head. 

"Read this you ungrateful boy. When you finish it, you can come out."

A flash light was tossed to him and the closet doors were slammed shut. Sniffling the boy opened the book and began reading by flash light about the scary monsters in the big world. The ones his Daddy and brothers hunt and kill. The ones Dee protects him from. 


After his most recent beating, he is thrown into his Daddy's Chevy Impala while he takes his big brothers to Uncle Bobby's house. His Daddy is taking him on his first hunt today. The beating was to make sure he knew not to ask questions, follow Daddy's lead and do what he's told. ..... They've been on the road for a while when his Daddy pulls off to the side of the road that is surrounded by forest. He knows he's not supposed to ask questions, but he wants to know what's going on. He's scared. 

"Daddy?" the boy with amber eyes looked at his father slightly frightened. 

The man's dark eyes fell on his son in the back seat before getting out to move to the back. Scared that he's going to get beat up because he asked a question when he wasn't supposed to the 8 year old curled in on himself as the back door of the car opened. A rough hand grabbed one of his ankles bringing him towards the large frame of his father. A scream left his throat as his clothes were being removed. He knew it was bad since that's what his big brother Dee always told him. He fought as much as he could but his father held him down. 

"Daddy no." the boy said over and over, but to no avail. 

"You deserve this you worthless bastard." 


His father continued to touch him where a father shouldn't touch their son. The boy's voice was hoarse from screaming and he was covered in bruises and possibly blood with tears running nonstop down his face. He ended up passing out and the next thing he knew he was out front of a building while his Daddy was giving him one last punch to his face before driving off. He started calling out for his big brother, Dee. Dee said he's protect him. Dee said he'd always save him. 


The boy is now 15 with a god awful buzz cut and one friend. Dragging his friend into the woods int he middle of the night probably wasn't the smartest of decisions. But Stiles had read about supernatural creatures his entire life and when news of half a dead body being found and that the police are looking for the other half has his general curiosity taking over and he just has to investigate. That's when he saw these creatures in real life for this first time. That night an Alpha bit his best friend and well his life went form okay to terrible in a split second. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now