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When Stiles T. Winchester was 8 years old his father dumped him in front of the Sheriff station in a small town located in California called Beacon Hills. Stiles was beaten, bruised and bloody when the Sheriff found him crying outside, not knowing what was going on and calling for someone named "Dee." John Winchester made sure that while he was dumping Stiles, his two promising hunter sons, Sam and Dean, were with a hunter he met a while back by the name of Bobby Singer. You see, John hunted the supernatural, anything that goes bump in the night. Stiles was the youngest of John Winchester's three boys. The one who has as different mother than Sam and Dean, the one that John thinks of as his bastard son. So the best way to get rid of the problem was by giving it to someone else, especially since John had bigger things on his mind. Things like killing the yellow eyed demon that murdered his wife, Mary. 


Years later, Stiles was raised by the Sheriff who had just lost his wife. He made friends with a little asthmatic boy named Scott and now they are the best of friends. They're about to enter their Senior year of high school hoping that the Supernatural shit show they've been in since high school began would be gone, or at the very least slow down. You see, when Stiles and Scott were in the 9th grade Scott got bit by a werewolf and a new world opened up to the two teens. Things started  happening to the quiet little town. Things like crazed alphas, hunters, kanimas, darachs, human sacrifices, alpha packs, more hunters, a Nogitstune (that possessed Stiles and he doesn't ever want to feel that again), a deadpool, more hunters, dread doctors, more hunters, ghost riders and more hunters trying to expose the Supernatural and kill them along with those who want to protect them. So they've been through a lot and not in the mood to go down hill anymore. 


Skip to the middle of Senior year and Stiles gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by a science organization looking for a "cure" by the name of W.C.K.D. Stiles woke up in a large metal box heading up to a field that held boys of all ages. He couldn't remember anything since his memory was wiped, but they left one thing. A name, his name, Thomas. 

"Welcome to the Maze, Greenie."

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now