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After 3 years of tests, experiments, running for their lives; the boys  from the Maze have had enough. They've reached the safe haven and they plan on starting over. Thomas had Newt, the two having been together since the Maze. The death scare Newt had just made them stronger together. The Survivors of the Maze stuck together and though they mingled with others. They tended to just stick to their tight knit group of friends. A group that Frypan lovingly calls: the pack. All was going well this particular day for everyone was just happy to be free of W.C.K.D. However, the  peaceful atmosphere was broken by an aircraft landing and many people coming out in suits with weapons/ The Gladers gathered together behind Thomas because he was their leader, their "alpha". He's the one who got them to this paradise and he's the one who's going to fight to keep it. Newt stood next to Thomas, making them look like an alpha pair. 



"I know."

"They're not W.C.K.D., are they?" -Minho

"Not sure, just everyone be ready. Don't let them get to us. They can't take us from out home."

The men were closer now, guns drawn. Newt grabbed my hand as we all crowded closer together, allowing Minho to place a gun in my free hand. 

"What the hell do you want. W.C.K.D.'s done enough. We've taken down the head quarters, do we need to take you down too?" I shouted across the way. The men didn't stop, but some lowered their guns. Once they got in front of us, they all froze. 

"You're just kids."

"Weren't we told this was supposed to be a terrorist group?" 

"Yeah, the Kill Zone."

"You're talking about this organization called W.C.K.D. If you are here for them you're too late. Thomas here got rid of the higher ups and the rest of us blew up the city." - Frypan

"We are the FBI. I am Agent McCall. You are all inside a facility. I don't know what you were told or what you all have been through, but I would like to get you all home to your families."

"Why would we want to go back to a place we don't remember?" I said stepping forward hands tightening around the gun and Newt. The Agent McCall looked at me with surprise. 

"Stiles?" he asked dumb struck

"What the shuck is a Stiles?" Minho laughed causing the rest of us Gladers to roll our eyes. 

The agents continued to come closer thinking that we were just scared children. Look at us, we've been through hell and back. We've lost friends. Lost brothers and sisters. We've lost so much, or memories included. Can't they see that we are fine where we are? This Agent McCall continue to come forward because he thinks I'm some kid that he knows. 

"Stiles, you have no idea how long your father has been looking for you."

"I don't know who this Stiles is, so I suggest you and your men leave." I said loud enough for them all to hear. Unfortunately, it led to the "FBI" men to tighten their hold on their guns pointing them directly at us, all aimed at me.

"Will you bloody shanks just leave us alone?" Newt spoke up angrily. I smirked, tightening my hold on the gun. I could sense the Gladers all armed and tense waiting for me to make the first move. 

"I suggest you stop looking for trouble and leave us before you lose." I stated, not in the mood to lose people. This is supposed to be a safe haven, but it's being jeopardized by these suits. 

"You're just a bunch of kids, what can you do?" one of the suits spoke. Agent McCall seemed to show resentment at the man. He must be new. I steeled my face and emotions, lifting my hand with the gun in it. McCall's face dropped in fear as I fired a shot. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now