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(A/N: This is another short chapter and sort of a filler one as well)


My brothers are in town looking for me. Why now? Why not before? What's changed? 

"Tommy," Newt whispered pulling me away. He locked up in our room, sitting us don't he bed. Holding me to him. 

"It's okay Tommy, let it out." 

What? I brought my hand up to my face. I'm crying. I curled into my boyfriend and just cried. I don't know what I'm feeling. 


- Scott thinks he can come back into my life after everything like nothing has happened. The normal McCall way, keeping their heads up their asses that they ignore the facts in front of them. 

- Sam and Dean are in town. Now after everything. What's happened to cause this? 


- Do Sam and Dean know what John did? Do they know I'm still very much involved in the supernatural? If they've done their research on Beacon Hills, as I'm sure they have, how are they going to feel knowing how many innocent people  I've killed under the influence of the Nogitsune? Donavon? Done at W.C.K.D?


My brothers didn't forget about me. They're looking for me 


I glanced up at Newt.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" 

"A lot of things. Moving too fast to grasp. But my brothers are here. Looking for me. I...... I haven't seen them since I was 8.' 

"Probably due for a long conversation>" 

"Definitely, but I don't even know how to go about that." 

"Annoy them with questions." 

I nudged him and he just chuckled. 

"Can probably get their number from someone and set up a meeting." 

"I'll ask my dad. Hopefully, he knows, but if this happens will you come with me?" 

"Definitely. I like supplying moral support. Plus I'll get to meet your brothers. Your biological brothers. " 



"Dean we've kinda outstayed our welcome you know." 

"Yes Sam, I'm aware but I'm telling you they're hiding Stiles somewhere. We just need to find him." 

My phone started ringing. Unknown number. 



I froze only one person called me that. Sam stuck to Bean. 


Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now