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 "Stiles. I would like to know why you're looking for my son." the Sheriff said. 

I don't have the patience for this accusatory tone in his voice.

"Maybe because he's our younger brother," I said. Both men looked at me and Sam in surprise. Disbelief. 

"I don't believe you."-Sheriff

"Try again."-McCall

"Dean's not lying. Stiles really is our younger brother. The last time we saw him he was 8. Our dad told us he took him on a trip and that he died."-Sam

"Then why are you looking for him now?" 

"We got some new information." 

"uh huh. Well, I'm not convinced. So the way I see it you two have two options. Either leave my town or Agent McCall here will arrest you because we all know you both have many of warrants for your arrest. Are we clear?" 

"Crystal." and with that, the two cops left. 

"I need a beer." 



Derek just got back and he smells like my dad so he must be back as well. With Stiles hopefully. 

"Where is he?" 


"Derek, I really don't think he is. Not with the Winchesters in town. We could protect him better if he was here." 

"Scott, he might not even want to come back since you kicked him out of the pack the last time and he went missing. Besides, he looked pretty capable when I saw him." 

"But Derek you don't know him the way I do." 

"Fine. Fine. We can go talk to him, but we are not going to force him to do anything. And we are not talking to him today. Let's give him time to get used to being in Beacon Hills again, alright." Derek caved probably because he doesn't want to argue. Plus I'd still do it anyway. I'm the Alpha. 

~ A few days later~


Getting into a new schedule, system of how we do things is slightly challenging. Especially when we all (well minus Brenda and Jorge) leave in the morning and at night to go run through the preserve. Frypan is currently making breakfast as the rest of us clean up from our run. It's been a long several days. A long several years. I can never run from the places or the memories that cause me so much pain. The amount of nightmares I've had since we've been here have led to me not sleeping. It's hard too when the nightmare is focused on the Nogitsune and the chaos and death we caused. 

"Hey." Newt hummed climbing into the warm shower behind me. 


"You alright Tommy?" 


"That bad?" 

I glanced at him over my shoulder. He just rose an eyebrow. He can read me easily. 

"Hard to sleep. Wish I didn't have my memories back." 

"I know I know." He hummed kissing my back wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his front. Of course, before anything could happen Minho was banging on the door. 


"ALRIGHT!" I shouted back so he could hear me over the water. 

"Every time." I sighed. Newt just laughed pushing me out of the shower. Quickly we got dressed and headed out to the living room where Scott and the pack stood. Most of the gladers looked pissed. Scott probably shoved his unwelcome ass inside. 

"Stiles, come on we're leaving." He said grabbing my arm and yanking me forward to the door. I planted my feet and took my arm back from him. 

"One. It's Thomas. Two. I'm not going anywhere with you." 

"Yes you are because we need to protect you and we can do it a whole lot better than these strangers." 

"I can take care of myself and these strangers as you so kindly put it, can protect me just fine. We have each other's backs." 

He flinched. Good, he caught on to my jab. 

"Stiles. I really don't think they can." That look in his eyes. It's a supernatural thing.

"I'd rather take my chances." 

"Stiles just LISTEN to me! We can protect you the best. We know you better than these guys. Just come with us. Let us HELP." 

They know me better. They know me better. Please the Gladers know everything, they fought with me. They found out about what happened to me before I arrived in Beacon Hills. They understand. They don't throw me away when I'm not useful for the situation they're dealing with in the moment. I'm pissed. 

"You don't know anything about what will protect me or not." 

The gladers took healthy steps back. Newt is still close enough if he needs to remove me from the situation. Some of the McCall-Hale pack (including Derek) flinched and backed up. I'm sure the amount of anger in my scent is harsh to their noses since they're not used to it. 

"You're the one that kicked me out in the first place. You abandoned me to what was is oh keep me safe and look where that got me. So Scott  MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND BECAUSE I HAVE MY OWN PACK. I DON'T NEED YOU OR YOURS. I HAVE MY FAMILY RIGHT HERE."

They fell silent. All confused. The looks in their eyes were all over the place making no sense to me. 

"Stiles it's just that the Winchesters are here and they're looking specifically for you," Isaac said. Scott hit him angered that he gave me that piece of information. Whatever else was said I didn't hear. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now