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A/N: I apologize for the late update. I've been busy at work and when I come home I get distracted and sometimes forget what it is I was supposed to be doing. 


Last chapter: 

I steeled my face and my emotions, lifting my hand with the gun in it. McCall's face dropped to fear as I fired a shot. 


The bullet hit the armature in the leg. A warning shot. 

"You have weapons" another man said starring form me to his comrade and back, his skin turning pale. 

"Did you miss the part about us taking down W.C.K.D.'s head quarters?" -Minho

"Yeah, who do you think we followed?"-Newt

McCall ushered everyone back in retreat. 

"We aren't leaving until we reach a compromise through a civilized conversation without shots being fired. For now we will leave you be." He said before continuing to usher everyone back to their aircraft. It's a tactic. They're trying to get us to let our guards down even though they know wer can hold our own. Once they were out of site, I turned to the Gladers, my family. 

"Alright, listen up." Everyone quieted down. 

"They're trying to get us to let our guard down because to them  they think we are just scared. Acting on impulses. Do not let your guard down. I don't trust them. However, let's continue our day as we would without them here." I stated. Murmured agreements were given before Newt spoke up. 
"Everyone get to work." 

We separated and headed to our designated jobs. That's how we work so well together. By following this one rule "Everyone does their part to survive."


Mean while in Beacon Hills

*Scott McCall*

 The pack was having movie night in the newly built Hale house. Derek and Peter thought it'd be best to rebuild the Hale house to show that they still have claim over the land. Especially since Derek is Alpha again and seems to handle it better than I do. I'm still a True Alpha, but I submit to Derek. Just as the movie was about to start and we were in the process of putting our phones in the bin, mine rang. My dad was calling. Mom told me he was on a field case, so why is he calling me. 


"Scott, I found Stiles."

At that sentence the wolves turned towards me. Stiles has been missing for three years. He just disappeared two days after we kicked him out of the pack for his own protection, which in hindsight seemed to be a stupid move. 

"What do you mean you found Stiles." 

"The job I'm working was to eradicate a terrorist group just off the coast of California. It ended  up being a group of teenagers. They got rid of the terrorist group that we were after." he explained. 

"So Stiles was their prisoner, right? Because it sounds like they might be the actual terrorist group." 

"Scott, Stiles was the leader." 

"WHAT?!" the pack looked surprised as they listened to my dad who I put on speaker to allow the pack members without supernatural hearing to follow along with what is happening. 

"Scott, he shot Agent Jenkins."

"The new guy? He's not dead is he?" 

"Yes, the newest recruit. No, the bullet hit his thigh." 

"So he missed. He's always been a bad shot because he's too afraid to handle guns. Really." Peter piped in. I heard my dad sigh before he continued. 

"No, I think he did it as a warning shot. His expression reminded me of when he was the Nogitsune."

The pack fell silent. After a few minutes passed as we process and digest what we were just told. I spoke up. 

"Are you bringing him back here?" 

"We are going to try, but Scott he acts almost like an Alpha. They're going to be hard to reason with, I'm giving them a few days to unwind and hopefully I'll be able to have a civil conversation with them. Get them to return with us so we can find their families or put them with some sort of adult supervision." 

"Really? I couldn't see him in that type of position." 

"Yeah, Stiles isn't really the leader type." Jackson snorted. We all just ignored him. I decided that it would be best to end the conversation with my dad. We can figure out everything later 

"Keep us updated on the situation, on him, would you?"

"Of coarse, son. Talk to you later." and he hung up. Derek made us finish putting our phones in the  basket stating that we will figure out what is going on with Stiles later. He wants to continue with the pack bonding. So we all got comfortable for movie night. 

"Whose going to tell the Sheriff that Stiles is alive, but not the same Stiles we know?" Erica asked us all, looking around at each other. 

"We will tell the Sheriff about it in the morning. It does him no good to worry tonight while he is working." Derek said. Agreeing , we turned our attention to the movie as it started.

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now