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I had to meet Agent McCall at my loft. He asked if he could use one of the apartments in the building as a safe house for the kids found at his last case. The place he found Stiles. The fewer people that know where they are kept the better. Hopefully, it keeps the Winchesters off Stiles' trail too. 

"Agent McCall." 

He was standing outside a couple of black SUVs, not as many as I was expecting. 

"Derek Hale. We need to speak quickly before I have them get out. "

"Of course." Formal, but McCall is an ass so better to follow his lead as to not create a scene. I can be as uninterested in this conversation as I want. The faster this is done. The faster I can get back to the pack where we can figure out how to deal with the Winchesters and add a secondary protection detail for Stiles. I have a feeling they're after him because of what went down this the Nogitsune years ago. Winchesters could now be getting wind of it. 

"We only were able to get a handful of them to come with us, Stiles included in that group."

"Okay, are you going back to get the others?" I need to know if I have to free up another apartment or not.

"Not unless needed. Made a sort of verbal treaty/understanding with Stiles and Vince."

"With Stiles?" 

"The kids changed. Not nearly as sarcastic. Not even when dealing with me and he's always sarcastic when dealing we me." 

"I have an apartment that's probably more than enough room for these guys. I'll just set a couple of ground rules mainly because I still own the building, but we can go inside." 

McCall nodded and grabbed the kids I just went ahead and headed to the apartment I fixed up for these guys. Updated plumbing and electrical really, installed internet if need be. But that's about it... 

Only a few minutes went by before they all piled into their new home. Stiles at the front looking more sure of himself than I've seen him since even before the Nogitsune. He had a tight grip on a blonde-haired boy who limped a bit but stood next to him. The presence Stiles alludes is that of an Alpha. As if I'm standing in front of an Alpha wolf and not a spastic teen. The boy he holds close smells so much of Stiles it's hard to ignore that the two are together. An almost Alpha pair. The Asian boy on his right probably acts similar to an Alpha's right hand. A taller buzzed-cut blonde boy stands slightly back from Stiles on his left and has an aura that reminds me of when Peter was mom's left hand. Stiles has his own pack here. He's had his own pack for a while. Scott kicking Stiles out allowed him to become a Ture Alpha of his own accord. An Alpha in human form. He must've gone through several trials in his life, other than the ones of Beacon Hills, to get him to this spot. This status, I remember mother and Peter talking about it once. How rare it was, and here I am staring at one. 


We're staying in an apartment at the loft building Derek owns because of course we are. I guess it's better than at my house with my dad. But it's still in range of Scott and the pack being able to barge in and cause problems. 

"Who's that?"-Newt

"Derek Hale." 

"You know him?"-Frypan

"Yup used to slam me against walls and doors to prove a point. Not the best at using his words. Expects you to know what he says with his eyebrows." 

"Is he uh Human?"-Minho

"Born werewolf." 


"He doesn't look how I'd expect a werewolf to look."-Newt

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now