Epilogue part 2

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~ One year later ~

*3rd person*

The Gladers were having a meeting. 

They couldn't stay in Beacon Hills. Still running for their lives because the local pack can't protect their town. 

And they claim to be able to protect Thomas. Laughable. 

The Gladers have been taking care of the threats their way. The way they know how to survive. 



Not giving up.

It's how they survived the Maze. 

The Scorch. 


And as always, Scott's morals get in his way. He constantly drags his pack to the Gladers to scold them.

Yes, Scott has his own pack now. Having broken from Derek's officially after the first supernatural threat the Gladers killed. Getting his advice from none other than Alan Deaton. 


Back to the Gladers' meeting. 

Thomas and Newt have come up with a theory about how the others could get their memories back. If Cas can heal all of Newt, especially an old injury, maybe he could fix what W.C.K.D. did to their memories. Because they're not lost necessarily, they're just blocked. Put behind a wall. 

Even though the Gladers never wished to have left the Safe Haven it seems it might have been for the better. They're no longer under W.C.K.D's controlled domain. But they can't stay in this familiar territory. 

"What do you all think of going to Kansas." Thomas addressed the room. 

"Tommy?" Newt asked not knowing about the offer Thomas' brothers gave him a year ago. 

"Sounds good." -Minho

"As long as it's far away from this hell."-Gally

Thomas looked at Newt telling him that he'd explain later and then gathered the rest of the Gladers so they could pack some of the items that they'd accumulated in the past year. 

Anything they want to take. 


It's been a couple of weeks without being able to find a case to work on. Strange as it is that everything has been quiet, it also has been nice. We both have been thankful for the break. 

Some time to spend at home. 

Sam's been catching up on some of his shows and books between looking for cases. I've been able to try out some different recipes which is awesome. Also ends up being hilarious when I get Sam's reaction to eating the food I make. 

My whole body went on high alert when the Bunker's alarms started to go off signaling that someone or something supernatural is approaching. 

Sam and I meet in the "control center" of the Bunker both unsure of what is going on. 

A heavy knock hits the door and I make my way up the stairs. Opening the door with my gun raised I cautiously peek out to see what's there. 

"Hey, Dee. Is your offer to stay still good?"

The End

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now