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Trigger Warning: Alludes to/mentions rape/sexual assault, child abuse, pedophilia. 


Tommy's biological brothers weren't what I thought they would be like—almost two sides of a coin. 

*Dean is the oldest. 

     - Has short brunette hair (lighter shade than Sam's and Tommy's)

     - Seems to be "gruffer" than Sam.

Thomas definitely acts more like him in my opinion. 

*Sam on the other hand is the tallest of the three—the middle child. 

     - His darker brunette hair reaches his shoulders

     - Kinda tries to do this "innocent" look with his eyes. 

It's weird. 

Now listening to them speak with Thomas, they have different opinions on how they should communicate/share information with him. Dean gives Tommy the blunt trust. Hits the nail on the head and though wary of Thomas' reactions to the information can distinguish that he is older and has been through shit since the last time they saw each other.

Sam sugarcoats everything and is unable to peel off that childhood image of Thomas he remembers. However, he also pushes back for answers to his questions about a topic Tommy obviously doesn't want to talk about. 

Dean accepts the change in conversation while Sam keeps trying to bring the conversation back to that one topic. 

John Winchester.

Their biological father who did things to Thomas that no parent should do to their child. 

The conversation continued to go in circles. Tommy slowly gets the answers he came to seek while also working up the courage/debating the consequences of answering Sam's questions. I know Tommy well enough at this point in our lives that I can practically read his mind. 

Dean mentioned something about how "Angels" told them that Tommy was alive. I can read the skepticism on his face as I'm sure those looking at me can read on my face as well. 

Angels. Seriously?!

If there were a thing as bloody Angels you'd think they'd be doing their jobs better. Angels to me are harder to believe than fucking werewolves. 

I squeezed Tommy's hand letting him know that I agreed with him. 

"Angels told you I was alive?" 

"Well, Cas did," Dean spoke. 

"Who the bloody hell is Cas?" I couldn't stop my interjection if I tried. 

"I am."

Tommy and I turned around fast. Thomas had a gun pointed at the man standing behind us. 

How'd he even get in? I didn't hear the door. 

He had short darker brunette hair and was wearing a suit with a trench coat.

Do all "Angels" dress like this?

Dean moved just as quickly after his initial shock wore off. He placed himself between a confused-looking "Cas" and the barrel leveled with his face. While simultaneously, Sam placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder with a stern, 

"Thomas, don't."

Unfortunately for Sam, all I got was an image of Ratface and I'm sure by the way Thomas' glare he got the same mental picture. 

Moira (SuperMazeWolf) (Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now