episode 4

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Me and Garnet just got back from a huge battle with this monster that can posses things and take on its properties to use in battle.

We warp home and Garnet is holding the scroll it is sealed in.

"Ah Garnet, Topaz perfect! Check it out." Refering to the mixture of pancake, syrup, popcorn and whip cream with a single strawberry. "It's not exactly healthy but it's in a stack so you could say it's a balanced breakfast." Steven says while making a funny face and I try to keep emotionless like Garnet but crack a few giggles and say.

"Good one Steven but we have important stuff to do."

"We can't stay, theirs business to attend to inside the temple."

She then shines her gems at the temple door and opens the burning room.

"Aww business like what?"

"We have to burn this." Garnet barley unravels the scroll and already whispers escape so soon I raise the bottom of it up.

"Cool!" Steven makes the mistake of taking a picture of the scroll. I take his phone and say.

"We also have to burn this."

Me and Garnet escape his adorable protest and get ready to burn this.

"Are you sure we have to burn his phone? I mean he does have alot of stuff on this thing." I say

"Yes who knows what could happen if when we born this it takes over his phone and hurts Steven." Garnet says

"Good point."

I stare at the picture of the scroll in his phone and it definitely has the same effect as I get lost in the sound it gives off. Only when Garnet grabs my cheeks and squeezes them making me pucker my lips.

"What did I just say?"

"That we need to burn the phone before it can posses anything else."

"And what did you do?"

"*sigh* almost get possessed."

"That's right." She let's go of my face "Can't be losing you yet."

I smile but then relise.

"Wait yet? What's that supposed to mean."

She doesn't say anything but walks to the lava pit and is probably smiling but I am to worried by what she meant by that.

But soon I join her and I break Stevens phone and I help Garnet burn the scroll and bubble it to finish it off but I hear.

"Ah this is great! We're all together!"

Me and Garnet's focus shifts to the sound and we gasp at why and how Steven got in here and the bubble almost popped so we focus back.

"We can finally eat!"

He keeps talking and Garnet keeps losing her attention so eventually I am left alone to keep it under control but I can't and the bubble pops making us jump back.

"It's trying to escape!"

I summon my weapon and prepare to fight.

"Force it back!"

We attack and I slice off parts of the red cloud it takes form of but it attacks Steven.

"Steven!" We yell.

Then the clouds moves into the breakfast and it wobbles at bit but them transforms into a huge monsters breakfast monster.

Pearl throws her spear at it and yells.

"It's taken the form of organic matter!" She then gets punched to a wall and is stuck there

"Now it has all the power of a breakfast. We have to destroy it." Garnet says.

She then punches it and her gauntlet is stuck in the monster so I try and help but am smacked away from one if the arm? Legs? Whatever it is. I am stuck there as it fires a waffle at me covering my face.

"Garnet! Amythast! Steven! Pearl! Please be ok."

I can hear more fighting but then I just hear struggle and soon the waffle gives way as I break free from the whip cream prison and I see Steven has already destroyed the monster and his soul.

"I'm sorry guys." Steven says. "I guess I dreamed to big." We pat his shoulder or just rub his back so he knows he didn't do any wrong but we go in the kitchen and make a bigger and better together breakfast and as we start at it Steven says.

"I don't think I can eat this."

"Let's order pizza." Amythast suggests and we all mostly add in are agreements.

"It did try to kill us."

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