episode 12

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I was watching the other Gems, except Garnet, play checkers. Pearl lost a. Checker? And got hit with a waterballon but she won the game and Steven smotherd Amythast in water.

I thought it was good they were having a fun time but then Amythast and Pearl were literally butting heads. They only stopped when the light from the warp pad makes them come inside but I was first.

"Oh! Oh! Did you bring me anything?" Steven asked. "Woah a rock! Thanks Garnet."

His excitement from such a simple thing brings a smile to my face but once again my mind leaves to my own world, missing the conversation until Garnet says.

"Me and Topaz will go together."

"Huh?" I ask.

"We are retrieving the Heaven and Earth beetles, you and Garnet are getting the Earth beetle from the lava lake." Pearl says.

"Uuhh ok?" I was kinda confused because I may be able to tolerate extreme temperatures but I can't swim in lava. That's only Garnet.

"You will find the Heaven beetle at the top of the sky spiral. It's safer." She tells the trio

"You mean boring-er." Amythast says.

"You mean more boring." Pearl corrects.

"So you agree with me?"

"Ugh come on you two let's go."

Steven leaves his rock here and they get to the warp pad.

"Steven be sure to keep the harmony." Garnet says and he reassures us.

They then warp away and me an Garnet warp to the lava lake but all while I am questioning why I'm here.

We are at the coast of the lake when she says.

"The reason I wanted you to be here is so we could see the capabilities of Moonstone"

"Oh ok so ready to fuse?" I say.


I stand tall and the lake looks twice as small as before, I breath in and out deeply.

"Let's do this."

Garnet starts with her usual hand dances and hip movment.

I step forward with bravado and incorporate that into my dance. With quick footwork and proud moves we hold eachother at the hip and smile in the glowing light.


I jump and dive into the lake and not feeling any pain from the surfaced magma.

I swim breaststroke into a under-lava-cave for about 10 minutes.

Once I reach a pocket of air it's actually the end of lava and into a path to a huge charcoal temple.

I jump to the top and the little house is made of dark metals and accented with gold and bronze.

I rip the roof off and see the beetle scurrying around panicking but I catch him and slip him into a pocket just his size.

I turn around but feel tremors and I realise this place has huge holes all connected and it makes sense because the monster that appears before me is a... magma worm!

It's red and orange with a singe gem shard at its face like a spear.

It tries to spear me but I dodge out of the way and land at the foot of the temple.

"Guess it's time to see my weapon."

I summon my gauntlets and them my axe the light fuses them into a staff.

"Just a staff!?"

I squeeze it in my hands and ready myself for the magma worm.

He rushes me and I jump and slam the end into his head breaking the whole temple but he slinks away to his hole and now he's traveling at high speeds between them attacking me.

But. I keep sensing his movements. Not quite future vision but my body gets this sensation of where he was attacking next and I was able to dodge every one.

I catch his super hot horn with my other hands, it has smoke coming from my fingers but I feel no pain.

I smash both my other hands into the side of his head making his body fall limp and poof making the whole cave a cloud.

I find the Gem and bubble it and my bubble is more red than blue like my skin.

I swim out and warp home but unfuse before breaking anything.

"That was so cool! First we swim in lava, then get duel weapons and find out we had a form of future sight." I say.

"Yeah. Felt good too." Garnet was steaming and had a towel around her neck while I was just letting my body go back to normal heat. But I was still steaming so I felt cool.

The warp pad activated and Steven and Opal appear. I will always think Opal is so fine and hot like look! She's amazing

"Weeerrre baaack!" Steven says.

"The Heaven beetle?" Garnet points out.

"*gasp* I don't have it!" Opal says then splits abruptly only for Amythast and Pearl to argue. But our saving grace Steven, surprises us with the beetle.

"Good job Steven." Garnet says and put the beetles together then bubbles them away.

"Yeah that was clutch Steven." I high five him.

"I also see you helped your teammates fuse." She says

"And all I had to do was get eaten by a bird."

'What!?' I think.

"Great work you'll be great at fusion one day."

"Wait I can do that!"

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