episode 13

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We Gems were exploring Amythast's room for something that was stinking up the whole house and temple.

"How could you live like this?" Pearl asks Amythast.

"It was fine until you guys started whining."

"Whining!? The whole temple reeks!"

Steven has been searching for a stick and he finally found something which was a five year old burrito from Agua Mexican that coincidentally closed 5 years ago. Amythast took a bite out of it.

'That's disgusting'

Steven finds a picture of us and Rose in a boat. Rose was posing, Pearl and Amythast were helping a drowned person and Garnet punched a shark. I was wrestling another shark in the water and to be honest it was very fun since I won. I was wearing black boots with beige baggy pants and cuts in them. I had a cloth and string crop top on with a long leather jacket with cuts at the bottom. My hair was short and curled back then and i had scars along my body to look like a real pirate.

"It kinda looks like you guys and my mom." Steven says.

"That's cause it is." I state the obvious.

"Really?" He asked and Garnet chirps in.

"The hard part was getting the shark to pose."

"Why is everyone dressed like old timey people?"

"They are old timey people." Pearl says and hangs it up on some trash.

"W-Wait but that would mean. How old are you guys?"

"Much older than any human." Pearl says.

"I'm 5,741 years old." I say.

"5,741!" Steven says. "How would you fit that many candles on a cake?"

We all look at eachother. But Amythast falls over from food poisoning and her skin is off color.

"We don't really celebrate birthdays." Garnet says.

"Why not!" Steven says.

"It's not our way." She shrugs.

"Well I can't just ignore this tremisty of injustice."

'Those are big boy words.'

"I pledge that you will have your birthdays. With all the cake, candy, and ice cream you have been denied!"

Amythast throws up.


Amythast is told as the birthday queen and gets a royal outfit. Steven breaks into song but is stopped by lions protest and Pearl saying we may be too mature.

Amythast is then sent to hit a piñata but keeps hitting Garnet. Finally she knocks it out of the park, more like out into the ocean and she got sad that their was candy inside.

"*sigh* I'll go get it." I say.

I run without moving my arms and dive into the water.

Using my superior athletics I find the candy coffin way out in the sea but still get it and swim back but the process of me getting back has swept in a fog.

The other Gems were picking up and I threw the candy everywhere but soon relised they were cleaning up.

"I did that for nothing didn't I?"

"Pretty much." Garnet says

"So when's my birthday?" I say wringing the water out of my hair and keeping it star like.

"You really wanted one of those?" Pearl askes.

"Is their something wrong with that?"

"We are thousands of years old. Isn't that kinda old for a birthday?"

"Well I never got one so I wouldn't know." I cross my arms and looks away slightly.

Pearl looks down, Amythast and Garnet look surprised at the little argument since I'm the least argumentative when I'm my normal self.

The awkward silence is cut by lion dropping off something. That something was a super old Steven!

He was apparently fine but just really old. Garnet thought we should have alot of birthdays for him and that just made him older and all of us started crying after Garnet tried shaking him.

But that made him younger a bit. We then started arguing about what to do and he got into a dad phase but then was on a late teen stage then back into a grandpa stage.

'This is to much for me!'

He just needed to feel younger and when he got younger his face was super cute except the fact he had adult legs and looks really weird but he was having fun.

(Sorry for the rushed ending)

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