episode 32

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My day started off normal. The sun rises and I talk to the gems and wonder what today hold. Never did I think I'd possibly be picked to pretend to be Steven's mom.

Steven paces in front of us Gems at the kitchen

"How am I supposed to choose just one of you to bring to dinner? You're all so... cool!"

"Aw thanks." I say

Pearl, disgusted, says.

"Why does it have to be dinner? We get all the energy we need from our gems, and while our human constructs are capable of eating, I find it very uncomfortable."

"love eating!" Amethyst chuckles "feels weird."

Amethyst then munches on some chips from a bag loudly and grossly, spilling some bits onto Garnet's shoulders, which she quickly brushes off.

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's focus. Which of you would make the best and most nuclear mom? Garnet, you keep us safe by scaring off the bad guys, just like a mom would. ...But you're not the best conversationalist. Amethyst, you would be a super fun mom!"

Amethyst is still munching on the chips, drooling from her mouth, and begins picking her nose.

"Can moms be gross?"

"Why not?" And she pulls a strand of mucus out of her nose.

Steven walks away.

"Pearl! You're always worried about me, you teach me lots of stuff, you're approachable, and you're, like, totally not gross."

Amethyst continues munching away with her nose still running, causing Pearl to cringe in disgust.

"But... you can't eat dinner."

He then walks to me.

"And now Topaz. Your a independent strong women who loves her family. Your the perfect mom! But I think your too fun for Connie's parents."


He walks and sits with his dad.

"Man, why did Connie have to say I have one mother instead of zero... or three?"

'Three moms? Wouldn't that mean we would've all been married to eachothers?'

After Greg says something Steven lights up.

"Why didn't I think of this before? It's so obvious! You can all come to dinner! All three of you, fused into one!"

We all speak our worries weather it's "woah!" or what!?"

The other Gems explain to Steven how it's only for deadly situations and other purposes but once Steven puts the tears we have no choice.


Walking to the meeting place of the other family I had to solidify my resolve to eat this human food and to be somewhat social.

Once we show up I set Greg and Steven down softly, to not accidentally hurt them, then after Greg says his thanks I finally speak.

"You're welcome... Greg."

After an awkward introduction I have the urge to eat all the breadsticks but then I stick my tongue out in disgust.

Then the other family asks the obvious.

"So how did you too meet?"

Before Greg could actually answer Steven pops in and somewhat helps us.

I end up slamming Gregs head onto the table and saying.

"Have some more breadsticks... dear."

The family keeps trying to communicate with us but all I can do is just stay together and try not to ruin this for Steven.

The too kids leave and I sit in silence as Greg trying to normalize things.

Once the kids get back I try to eat again and we start to argue. My brain is messed up with the other Gems fighting for control I don't even realize I'm saying my thoughts and hitting myself. Only once it's too late I soon unfuse.

"Steven!" Pearl crawls towards him. "Ohh. Thank you so much. You don't know how horrified I was when that dreck nearly fell into our mouths. Eating food is so disgusting! You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that goop, and it comes out of you? What a completely horrid experience!"

Amethyst speaks up.

"Uh, speak for yourself. Ha! I love it when mush passes through my body."

Then Garnet talks.

"It doesn't matter what you two think. We're doing this for Steven!"

She summons her gauntlets and hits Pearl and Amethyst on the head.


I am just sitting up right and me and Greg look at eachother.

"I should've been the pretend mother. Better to have a chill mother than whatever this was."

"I agree with that."

Once I pay attention to the family I notice Steven and Connie are gone. But Garnet supports my thought.

"Connie and Steven are on a bus running away as we speak we have to go!"

I jump back onto the group crashing into them but we form Alexandrite.

We run after them and shake the ground with every step. We see the bus.

"STEVEEEENN!!!" I roar with my lower mouth.

I catch the bus and bring it to my height.

"You two! Come out of that bus this instant!"

"Aah! Okay! J-Just put the bus down first."


Back at the Crab Shack I see Connie is getting reprimand and Pearl starts to say something but I grab her shoulder and shake my head.

"I've got this." All the other Gems look completely dumbfounded as I've never punished Steven before or at least in a severe way.

I walk infront of Steven and he has his down.

"What were you thinking? You were gonna run away from us with another human that has her own life just because of this one interaction! That is completely overboard! You scared us because if Garnet didn't have her future vision you would be on your way to and unknown place with possibility bad people and you didn't even say anything! You could've gotten yourself or connie hurt, thrown in prison, and you for sure would've saddened all of us here today! For that I must punish you Steven and I do apologize before I say this because you won't be watching TV for the next 10,000 years!"

"10,000 years! Nooo! The midseason pre-finale of "Under the Knife"! How can you do this to me?!"

"Because we love you Steven." I run his head.

'I'll probably let him watch TV soon.'

And with that I let my stern face fade away back to my normal look.

"Wow." The mother approaches Greg and us Crystal Gems saying "That was a masterful use of the "because we love you" shutdown. I'm quite partial to the "It's for your own good!" myself."

Then the father spoke.

"That "10,000 years of no TV" was brutal!"

"I did not know what to make of the two of- Excuse me, five of you, but I see that you are responsible parents. Uh, caregivers? Guardians."

"So, I can still hang out with Steven?"


"Alright!" Steven runs to Connie and hugs her causing her to blush.

'Ooohhh I noticed that.'

The so called Dr. and Mr. Maheswaran grunt at the sight of Steven hugging their daughter. Mr. Mahaswaran then steps in and separates the two from the hug.

'Aw but it was cute.'

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