episode 24

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Ah. The beautiful sunset. Sitting here with the others has made me realize. No matter how many times I look at it. A sunset is difficult and more beautiful each time. Whether that was with the sky becoming different colors or the clouds are cool but I just can't look away.

But I could hear Steven and Peridot singing one of my favorite songs Steven has come up with...

♫ "Is there anything that's worth more? / Than peace and love on the planet Earth... ♫" I finish the song off and look at the drill we had completed.

"Nice work."

Garnet pats Peridot on the back, but Peridot jumps in fear. We Gems then laugh and Steven hugs Peridot from behind.

"We really did it, huh?"



"Oh wait. I need to check something!" Peridot runs into the drill compartment and the others speak on how she's come so far.

"Coordinates! We still need the Cluster's exact coordinates in order to drill!"

"There's a Diamond Base that may hold that information, but getting there is going to be difficult." Pearl says.

'Oh so we're going there now huh.'

"How come?"

"Because it's not accessible by warp pad. And it's on...!" She gazes upwards.


"The mooooooon!"

"Yes, Steven, the moon."

"Lion! Can you make us a special super warp to the moon?"

Lion grunts and stretches his limbs, ignoring Steven and continues napping.

"Come on, Lion, we gotta do this to stop the Cluster! If we don't there's gonna be no more Earth! No more fun times with your pals, no more Lion Lickers... no more naps?"

On that remark, Lion gets up and roars, glaring at Steven with glowing white eyes.

"Guess it was naps."

We all climb on with Steven and Peridot half way into Lion's mane.

He then creates a portal and runs through it. Lion and all us Crystal Gems begin warping through the portal.

"Pretty cool, right?"

Peridot starts screaming. Lion then creates more portals, increasing his speed with each transmission.

"Go, Lion! Goooo!"

Lion emerges from a portal with a rough landing, sliding across the floor and hitting against a wall, with us still on his back. Me and Garnet hit out backs on the wall like Lion does. Steven and Peridot climb out of his mane.

"Oh, Lion. You've earned your naps for the week." He hugs Lion.

Garnet, Pearl and Peridot begin shining their gems like flashlights. But I don't feel like doing all that.

"We made it."

"It doesn't... look like the moon."

"Hey, look over here! I think it's a door."

Amethyst places her hand on a panel and the door opens, revealing the surface of the moon with the view of Earth in the distance. Air instantly begins getting sucked out through the open door, forcing Amethyst to shut the door quickly.

"Uhhh, yup! We on the moon!"

"Amethyst, please! Don't blow us into space!" Pearl says.

While Steven is being a moon boy I look at all the Diamond murals this place has. Stopping on the Blue and Pink Diamond ones more than the Yellow and White Diamond ones.

The floor under me lights up and then starts to raise up.

I stand a few steps above the other Gems.

"I think I'll say I did that." I lean against the wall pretending to be cool.

"I believe you." Garnet says.

"Hey!" Peridot says in annoyance.

I laugh and pat her head while we ascend the stairs. Stopping at the orb Pink used used to use to spy on Earth. More like pretend to be there but it's basically the same.

We make it to the main room and instantly Steven and Peridot are up there before anyone. Sitting in the cool chair and looking through the files, we only catch up to just see the coordinates.

"It's embedded deep into the mantle, relative to the barn its roughly two thousand five hundred units down. All we need to do is feed this data to the drill and we should be all set."

"That's lucky." I say.

"That's it then, mission accomplished!"

"Yeah, team!"

"Great. Let's get the heck out of here." She walks off with Garnet and Pearl but I stay with Steven and Peridot. But then I walk to the other Gems thinking we are actually done. But of course we aren't.

Peridot pulls up a map of Earth on the screen, and then we Gems pause to look at it.

"So here is a map of all structures that were originally built on Earth. All told, this probably only accounts for maybe, five percent of what was originally planned."

"What was the plan?" Steven asked.

"Well, let's take a look."

A hologram of Earth is projected. Well watch in horror as the Earth hologram hollows out, forming rings around it and Gem structures all over it. Except Peridot.

"Ta-da! A finished Earth colony. Wow, look at this! Eighty-nine kindergartens, sixty-seven spires, a Galaxy Warp in each facet, efficient use of all available materials. What were you thinking, shutting this operation down? It could've been great!"

"No! You're wrong!"

"What do you mean? It's perfect, look at it."

"We are looking at it."

"It's disgusting."

"Yeah, this plan stinks!"

"Completing this colony would have meant the extinction of all life on Earth!"

"But think of the good it would have done. The Gems that would have been made, our Empire expanded."

"Rose Quartz believed all life was precious, and worth protecting."

"Well if she wanted to protect it, she did a lousy job! There'd be no Cluster if the Earth had stayed a colony. Now there's no colony, and there's gonna be no Earth, so thank you, Rose Quartz! You doomed the planet!"

Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and me each look at Peridot furiously. Steven laughs nervously. "♫ Is there anything that's worth more th-"

I grab Peridot by her shirt and lift her up and out of that seat.

"You, listen to me, now." I summon my gauntlet. "You are talking about things that you do not understand!"

"Topaz, stop! Please! It's not worth it. We're done here, let's just... go home." Steven says.

I drop Peridot back into her seat then let my weapon blink away. Only to smash the control panel the hologram was being shown from. I walk away with the other Gems following me down stairs.

"Come on you two! Let's go!"

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