episode 1

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We were looking through the Kindergarten for leftover corrupted gems, previously captured and imprisoned here by Jasper.

"Here's another one!"

We are in front of another cage, ready to beat up a corrupted gem inside.

"Got it, Steven! Ready... go!"

Garnet leads the charge into the darkness, and it's dark. It's really dark.

"Grab its legs!"

"That's not a leg!"

"That's my leg!"


We poof it and exit the hole while I bubbled it.

"It's a little disturbing that Jasper was just keeping these corrupted gems in cages."

"Isn't that what we're doing?"

"That's different."

"They're cared for in the stasis of the bubble. As long as they're bubbled, they can't hurt anyone, and they won't suffer." I send it away. "It's what Rose wanted."

We make it to Stevens local and look inside the cage. A bipedal, avian-esque Gem monster snarls with her tongues stuck out as she erratically runs around and falls over on her head.

Peridot laughs.

"I can't believe these dumb things used to be Gems!"

Garnet beckons us over.

"Here we go!"

Garnet pulls the metal bar of the cage, and the Tongue Monster immediately charges out, slamming into Garnet.

"Garnet!" Steven may be worried, but I'm in a laughing fit right now cause of that.

As the Tongue Monster runs away, Amethyst tries to reel her back with her whip but gets dragged off along. Pearl begins shooting energy blasts at the Tongue Monster with her spear to no success. The Tongue Monster runs back, sending Amethyst colliding into Pearl. The Tongue Monster then scales up the cliff to higher ground, snarls, and successfully retreats. Peridot begins laughing at the Gems' failure. I laugh at their failure too, but I was supposed to help, so I feel bad and pick them back up.

"That was terrible!"

"This is harder than it looks, you know!" I help Pearl up as if she was fragile.

"How could you all be outsmarted by that thing?"

"Well, first, it ran over Garnet, and then Amethyst tried to use her-"

"Uh, we don't need the play by play. Mistakes happen, even when you can see the future."

"Yeah, Peridot. Let's see you do better."

"Well, I saved all your butts from Jasper. I suppose I could help you here, too."

"Woah woah! I think you have it mixed up." I say.

"No, I don't."

"Wow... meanie."

"This'll be a great chance to show off my metal powers!" She walks off on her own.

"Then our work here is done."

"Uh, I-I'm... umm..."

"Are you seriously going to help her?"

"It's just... She's all alone out there, with no idea what she's doing."

"Oh, Peridot will be fine."

"I meant the monster!"

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!" I whipe the tear forming in my eye. I definitely didn't expect that response.

Garnet chuckles to herself.

"Okay. Take as long as you need." She walks away with me right next to her.

"Uh, Garnet, are you sure?"

The other two gems chase after us.

"Are we really gonna leave them?" Amethyst asks.

"What? No, of course, not we just have to be sneaky." I added some pronunciation to the last word, which is usually a trademark for Amethyst, and I see why. Feels cool.


After watching the most hilarious reenactment of Wily Coyote and The Road Runner, we make ourselves present again.

I walk up to Steven.

"You're back!"

"We never really left." I point back to a rock with my thumb to show the other Gems popping their heads out from hiding.

"We knew it'd be funny."

Garnet takes off her visor, revealing her third eye.

"Future vision."

"Y-You were all watching this whole time?" Peridot blushes and looks down at the gem in her hand. "I told you I could do it. But I have to admit, it was more difficult than expected. This Corrupted Gem was truly an adversary worthy of my skill." Peridot inadvertently bubbles the gem in her hand.

"Whoa! Peridot!"

"Nice bubble, Peri!" I say.

"W-What do I do with it?"

"Send it off."

"Just tap the top." I guide her hand with mine so Peridot knows how, and the bubble travels elsewhere.

"Happy trails!"

"So, where did it go?"


'It probably went to the barn.' I internally face palm.

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