episode 52 "Jail break"

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I gather enough energy to reform but with a different outfit.

I have my loose drawstring short shorts over some dark blue tights that connect to my shoes. I now have a black and blue sports bra. I still have my golden bracelets and necklace of course.

I land on my hands and knees breathing heavy.

I look up and I'm in a containment cell. That's all green except the yellow force feild.

I touch it and my hand is zapped extremely.

'Dang. I don't think I can do anything except wait.'

I try and summon my weapon but that dosen't work. And so with every option failing I sit on the floor and lay my back against the back wall.

I sigh and wait.

I don't wait long as I can feel footsteps heading this way. And a talkative Peridot behind them.

"Our sole mission here was to check up on the cluster!"


Jasper send Peridot away and looks at me.

"How pathetic. You."

"Your one to talk."

"Excuse me? Your the one who is working for that traitor Rose Quartz!" She hits the side of the ship. "You used to be a commander! You used to be strong!" And with every end of a sentence she hits he wall harder and harder.

"You used to be my comrade! You used to be perfect!" And with one final punch the yellow force field zaps away.

"Tell me." She says. "How could you join their side after what they did to our diamond."

I stand up and get close to her. Almost being eye level.

"I learned something. Something... strange. Something I still don't under stand myself but, their was another reason."

"What reason?" She grimaces.

"... its a stupid reason."

She steps forward and pushes me against the wall. One of her hands on the wall and the other almost ready to punch.

"Tell me!"

I wait in silence before speaking.


She looks at me angry but then confused.

Before she could ask anyone more the other smaller green gem runs to us and tells Jasper one of my friends as escaped.

She pushes off the wall and walks out activating the force field. She looks one more time at me. Squinting her eyes skeptically. And then running off.

I slide down and sit. My head hangs down. Ashamed and regretful of the previous encounter.


A fair amount of time has passed and I can hear battle.

'Sounds like Jasper... and maybe Garnet.'

While I was listening I feel the ship jostle and begin to fall.

"Aw crap!"

The warship shakes and all I can do is hope Steven and the others are ok.


Under all this rubble my only thought is if Steven and the others survived. And a little of of Jasper survived.

I push a hug rock off of me.


I fall to my knees with many blemishes and bruises. I look at who said my name and it was Garnet. She is sprinting to me and she instantly drops to her knees and hugs me tightly.

"Your okay!"

"Yeah... yeah I'm okay."

She backs off a bit and hold a hand to my cheek.

"I-I was so worried when my future vision hadn't included you much."

"Well I have been known to be lucky." I smile a bit and lean into her hand.

"Yes you have." She smiles and takes off her glasses to wipe some tears. "You changed your clothes?"

"Yeah... I kinda got thrown around in my leotard... literally."

"Well I think your great in anything."


"Now let's get you back to the others... we've been looking for you."

She helps me up and guides me to the others with my arm over her shoulders.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Topaz!" They all say and run at me with arms wide open.

The Gems and Steven state their concerns and worrys with Amethyst latching to my waist and Pearl laces my other hand with hers.

Steven is hugging my leg with a death grip.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save your!" He says.

"Oh Steven. I'm just glad your okay."

After our moment we separate and I stand on my own but Garnet stays close.

"What happend to Jasper? And Lapis!"

"Oh well... they fused and got dragged into the sea." Steven says plainly and a little quick.

"Oh... ok."

"But before that Japser was searching the crash sight screaming your name."

"My name?"

"Yes it was almost like she was scarred for you."

"I... I... don't know why."

The other Gems look at me sadly and confused.

"And Peridot?"

"She escaped. Somewhere on earth." Pearl says.

I sigh.


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