V4-P2: Executions and 'things'

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No, it's not that 'thing' if you are a degenerate

If you could guess, it's the Kiyo's Kabedon



POV: Rabbit Group

The first meeting is very chaotic, murmurs along around each student in the group.

Honami: So basically the Monkey Group finished the exam before our first meeting??

Honami asked a question about the strange event that happened in the afternoon.

Beppu (Ryota Beppu): I heard about it from our class that their group doesn't need to attend any meetings anymore, so I guess that's the case.

Honami: I guess I couldn't do anything about it then, except hoping for their group to be outcome #4.


POV: Kiyotaka

The first meeting has already been in chaos due to the Monkey Group. I guess it's either Koenji or Torikachi's actions that lead to the result.

I won't be surprised if Torikachi managed to reach outcome #3, he stated that he knows all the leaders. However, he couldn't do that since it will hinder our cooperation. He told me before that his group's VIP is a student from class B.

So I assumed Koenji somehow did it. I don't know how he figured it out, but it's inevitable now.

"Let's just forget about it, shall we?" Said Ichinose. "So who wants to play cards?" She decided to initiate the discussion through normal interaction. Quite an Ichinose strategy to deduce the VIP of the group.


Karuizawa looked a bit reluctant at this point. Torikachi told me that it's important for me to have an ally.

Could she be the one??

"We'll pass." Said Machida, as the representative of class A in our group. I guess this is from Katsuragi's orders.

"Same here as me." Said Karuizawa. I initially thought she would butt in for this. 

How weird...

As the group discussion goes on, it is my time to leave. I guess I could go to Horikita.

*a few walks later

I'm currently seeing Horikita's groupmates, with familiar faces:

Katsuragi, Ryuuen, Kanzaki, Kushida, Hirata and Horikita.

I guess the whole Dragon group is a powerhouse in this exam. I can see why Torikachi didn't want to tackle this group.

But I think he could do with the rest.

"How did it go?" I asked Horikita.

"Nothing notable happened." She replied. "I didn't expect Koenji to be this reckless towards the exam."

"Welp, that's how things are." I stated. "I guess they are currently free now."

"I guess so." Said Horikita. "Could you come with me to the cafe for a moment? I want to plan for this exam."

As she speaks her requests, a bunch of notifications from our phones occurred.

[Insert message about Rat, Tiger, Snake, Sheep, Rooster, Pig group resigned the exam.]

"W-what?" Wondered Horikita. "How did this happen?"

My only guess here is from Torikachi. He's the only one who could manage to pull off such a stunt. He managed to notify our classmates about the VIPs of these groups, so I guess they aren't class B's VIPs.

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