V4.5-P1: Expected meeting? Smile?

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POV: Torikachi

I am currently in the Student Council room, doing my paperwork for the President. Both Tachibana-senpai and Manabu-senpai are currently in the room with me. I heard that all second years at the moment are hanging out, so I'm safe in this room.

As I continue doing my work, Manabu-senpai reaches out to me.

"I've received the reports of your last special exams, Torikachi. Well done." He praised me.

"I've done nothing special, Manabu-senpai." I lied. "It was one of my classmates' contributions. Praise him instead. You already know who is it."

"I doubted it, Torikachi." He said. "You already know that I received the details that 6 groups resigned from the zodiac exam after the first meeting and one group resigned even before the first meeting. So I assumed you already prepared for that special exam beforehand."

As expected from the President. He managed to see through my plans.

"You can interpret it however you like, Manabu-senpai." I replied.

"Oh, and congratulation on reaching class B. I expect interesting results in the future." Said Manabu-senpai.

"What an honor, Manabu-senpai." I replied. "It's a shame that we won't be on the same team in the next Sports Festival."

"So you know how the school organizes the classes. I'm not surprised." Said Manabu-senpai.

"Moreover..." Manabu-senpai said with a pause, I think I know what he might want to talk about.

"I heard rumors about a first-year that was labeled as a prodigy. Was it you, who is the target of the rumors?"

Honestly, I'm not surprised about my piano talent spreading throughout the school. Many music club members tried to get me into the club, and I could sense many senpais stalking me for a while.

I replied with a nod. Manabu-senpai looked satisfied with my answer.

"I'm quite surprised that you do care about such trivial things as rumors." I stated. I'm surprised that Manabu-senpai cares about such things.

"I tend to care about all classes in this school. So it's normal that such an event would reach my ears." Manabu-senpai replied with a smirk.

"Wait..." Tachibana-senpai looked shocked. "So you admit that you are a prodigy?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny this information." I answered with a chuckle.

"I also heard that there will be a contest from the music club this October." Said Manabu-senpai. I could guess what he wanted to ask me.

"I assume that you wanted me to join that contest?" I asked. "I guess I could join since Nishikawa Ryuko asked me for a duet."

Manabu-senpai replied with a chuckle.

"Such an interesting development between classes." He said. "I'm looking forward to it. Don't make me disappointed, Torikachi."

"I'm sure you will love my performance, Manabu-senpai." I replied. "Make sure to bring some of your acquaintances with you. I'm sure they will enjoy it."

As I said that, Tachibana-senpai's face went red, perhaps wanting Manabu-senpai to invite her to join.

"Very well," Manabu-senpai said. "Since we are all finished our work, I want to meet up with a certain individual."

"I could already guess who it is." I said. "He will be here by himself shortly."

"You came prepared."

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