V4.5-P3: The last day of the summer vacation

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POV: Torikachi

Today is our final day of the summer, and it's hotter than I expected it to be.

But... I don't really think it matters because Matsushita and Satou invited me to the pool party.

Such a frightening coincidence, because Kiyotaka's group with be there:

Sudou, Ike, Yamauchi, Horikita, Kushida, Sakura, and Kiyotaka.

Well, there's also the Class B students group:

Ichinose, Amikura, Shiranami, and Kanzaki.

Anyway, our class with being in class B next semester, so we are still in class D at the moment. At least I don't mind about the rankings.

It is currently 9: 00 AM, and I am currently standing in the lobby, waiting for Matsushita and Satou.

10 minutes later, both of them meet me at the same time.

"You know... we are supposed to be here at 9:00 AM, and you girls are 10 minutes late." I said.

"Hey! Don't be that strict to ladies who gone late you know?" Said Satou. "I guess someone is getting prioritized over than us, am I right, Matsushita-san?"

"Well, yeah..." answered Matsushita. "It's quite unexpected for you to gain an intense amount of popularity from one event. I heard that it reaches all years of our school at the moment."

"It's nothing much," I answered. They would assume that I'm just being modest. "I just happened to have a mood to play for once in a while."

"You are just being modest, aren't you, Torikachi?" Satou asked. "You just hopped from 4th to 2nd on our Ike-men list just from one event. Even senpais wanted to join in for the votes."

"I'm happy that you girls think of me highly." I answered. "Shall we go to the pool then? The locker room will be crowded the later we head out."

"Okay." Both of them answered in sync, and it's unexpectedly synced.

I heard that Kiyotaka's group will be there at 10:00 AM, so I need to head out early because it will be awkward if 3 of us meet with his group.

Not to mention Karuizawa... I don't want to see her affiliated with Kiyotaka in public, especially these girls. It will hinder her social standing.

Speaking of affiliations, I hope that I won't meet Ryuko in this situation. I heard from Arisu that Ryuko joined her faction, and the faction will also come to the pool later today.

As I remember what I've done, regretting my current popularity, Matsushita shook me off.

"Hey... are you there? We need to go now." She said.

"Okay. Coming." I replied.

*time skip to the pool, 10:15 AM

POV: Kiyotaka

"What a frightening coincidence." I said to the person who is currently next to me.

"The girls invited me, I couldn't refuse because I rejected their offer twice in a row, so I 'have' to accept their offer." He replied.

"The girls, you meaning Satou and Matsushita?" I asked.

"I guess you noticed it." He answered.

"I just hope that I won't see Ryuko later today, it will be troublesome." He murmured.

"How come?" I asked.

"Well, several romantic moments happened, I noticed her feelings for me, so my current situation will be troublesome." He replied. "Ryuko told me that she will be at the pool in a few minutes, so I need to dive in now, I don't want her to notice me at the moment. Later!"

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