V5-P3: Aftermath of the Festival and confrontation

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POV: Suzune

I am currently heading towards the planned destination that Ryuuen called me for my final decision.

For the Festival today, I have done terribly in my performance in our class.

Shibata-kun happens to be the MVP instead of Sudou since he was disqualified from the 200-meter dash and the three-legged race mix.

As I am currently on my way, Kushida asked me for her to tag along, since she has some business with Ryuuen too.

As I reach Ryuuen, he is currently sitting on a chair.

"Calm down, Kikyou. I'm sure you are already aware of her." Ryuuen starts to speak. "Now, if you may?"

As soon as he called out to Kushida-san, she walks in his direction and with a grin on her face.

"Fufu... you already know about this, Ryuuen-kun."

(Y'all know what happened in the first half.)

I guess this is my loss now, I could not believe that I am this useless compared to other classes.

As I started to get down to my knees, a message had been sent from Ryuuen's phone.

"Hmm? What is this?" Ryuuen asks himself while playing the video.

["Let's target Horikita Suzune in this Festival, dimwits."] The voice can be heard as soon as he starts to play the file.

"What?" Ryuuen wondered. "How is this possible?"

The video played Ryuuen's plan about our Sports Festival. He even instructed Kinoshita-san how to injure me during the hurdle race.

"Kukuku..." Laughed Ryuuen. Both me and Kushida got left dumbfounded.

"W-Wait??!! What happened?" Kushida asked.

"Nothing special. There is a traitor among class D." He said. "The person had predicted everything from the start. He knows how Kikyou will leak the participation table, he knows how Suzune will have to bow down to me, he even used one of my classmates to betray my orders."

"Wait? How? What?" Wondered Kushida. "It could be Ayanokouji. He managed to race along with the President."

"No. He is one candidate, but not 100% sure about he truly is one of the masterminds of class B." Ryuuen replied while displaying a wide grin.

"W-What?" Kushida wondered.

"I already theories that there are not one, but two masterminds within your class. I am satisfied for today, whoever it is, I will trace them down." Ryuuen replied as he leaves the area.

I already know about this. Deep down, I know that Ayanokouji-kun and Torikachi-kun managed to pull this event out.

I need to talk to them about this.

POV: Kiyotaka

I am currently walking to the school's gate, only to see a purpled-hair girl with a ponytail.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Follow me." She answered while walking in a certain direction.

As we go, we headed to the special annex. This place is camera-free, so no one will know what will happen in the next few minutes.

We reached the third floor, only to see a familiar presence. A petite girl, sitting on her chair, with a cane by her side.

It is Sakayanagi from class A.

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