SS11: Confession, Revelation, and Judgment

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Yep. It's Ryuko's confession to Tori-boy. The event occurred after the Music Contest on Oct 20th.


POV: Torikachi

We managed to reach first place in the contest, which was already expected.

Ryuko asked me to come along with her, and I think I know where this is going.

Currently, Ryuko and I are standing below the 'confession tree' quoted by the girls. Even though it is autumn, all the leaves have been dried out, but the wind still makes this place a good place for confessions.

"I'm glad that we managed to get first place, Ryuko." I spoke. "To be honest, I already expect the results but I'm very proud of our progression during our play."

"T-thank you, Tori." She replied.

"Glad to hear that," I said. "So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

To be honest, I already know what she will ask me, but I still want to give her the final test.

The test of will, revelation, and judgment.

The will for her to hold on to me when she sees my defect, the revelation for her if she decides to change her mind about dating me, and the judgment of her ability to hang on to me, will be her decision.

"W-well... I... you...?" Ryuko opened her mouth, while slowly making voices from her throat.

"I-I love you, Tori. Will you date me?" She shouted while reaching her hand out to me.

I decided to do nothing. I just look at her for a minute, but only for a minute.

As I think again about what I have been through, deepening myself with the sound of the wind, which is currently swinging through my ears.

I guess the test has finally begun.

POV: Ryuko

I have done it...

I have confessed my feelings for him...

While the sound of the wind might be unpleasant, I could not help myself but reach out my hand to him.

He did nothing for a minute. No words, no movements,

Nothing happened in a minute after I said the words.

"Ryuko..." he began to speak. "I-I am glad that you thought that way about me. I am very glad that you neglected all class conflicts, just simply wanting to date me, a student from the original defective class."

"N-no no..." I replied. "It's just... I don't want to say about this, but you are not really defective at all, Tori..."

That was true. Throughout the moments I shared with Tori. I assumed that he is more capable to be in higher classes instead of class D.

"I..." I struggled to continue. "I really, really do care about you, Tori."

To be honest, his response to my confession shocked me, but that does not mean that he accepted my confession yet.

"S-So... what is your response, Tori?" I asked him again for the final confirmation.

A few seconds passed, he decided to do something that shocked me for a moment, but it was quite bold.

He grabbed my hand, and slowly put it on his abdomen.

I was shocked at first when he suddenly put my hand onto his skin like that, but I sensed something more different than normal skin under the suit.

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